Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him. Aldous Huxley
What if at age 46 you were burned beyond recognition in a terrible motorcycle accident, and then four years later were paralyzed from the waist down in an airplane crash? Then, can you imagine yourself becoming a millionaire, a respected public speaker, a happy newlywed and a successful business person? Can you see yourself going white water rafting? Sky diving? Running for political office?
W. Mitchell has done all these things and more after two horrible accidents left his face a quilt of multicolored skin grafts, his hands fingerless and his legs thin and motionless in a wheelchair.
The 16 surgeries Mitchell endured after the motorcycle accident burned more than 65 percent of his body, left him unable to pick up a fork, dial a telephone or go to the bathroom without help. But Mitchell, a former Marine, never believed he was defeated. "I am in charge of my own spaceship," he said. "It's my up, my down. I could choose to see this situation as a setback or a starting point." Six moths later he was piloting a plane again.
Mitchell bought himself a Victorian home in Colorado, some real estate, a plane and a bar. Later he teamed up with two friends and co-founded a wood burning stove company that grew to be Vermont's second largest private employer.
Then four years after the motorcycle accident, the plane Mitchell was piloting crashed back onto the runway during takeoff, crushing Mitchell's 12 thoracic vertebras and permanently paralyzing him from the waist down. "I wondered what the hell was happening to me. What did I do to deserve this?"
Undaunted, Mitchell worked day and night to regain as much independence as possible. He was elected Mayor of Crested Butte, Colorado, to save the town from mineral mining that would ruin its beauty and environment. Mitchell later ran for Congress, turning his odd appearance into an asset with slogans such as, "Not just another pretty face."
Despite his initially shocking looks and physical challenges, Mitchell began white water rafting, he fell in love and married, earned a master's degree in public administration and continued flying, environmental activism and public speaking.
Mitchell's unshakable Positive Mental Attitude has earned him appearances on the "Today Show" and "Good Morning America" as well as feature articles in parade, Time, The New York Times and other publications.
"Before I was paralyzed, there were 10,000 I could do," Mitchell says. "Now there are 9,000. I can either dwell on the 1,000 I lost or focus on the 9,000 I have left. I tell people that I have had two big bumps in my life. If I have chosen not of the experiences you are having which are pulling you back can be put into a new perspective. You can step back, take a wider view and have a chance to say, "Maybe that isn't such a big deal after all."
± plus or minus 正負號
+ plus 加號;正號
- minus 減號;負號
× is multiplied by 乘號
÷ is divided by 除號
= is equal to 等于號
≠ is not equal to 不等于號
≡ is equivalent to 全等于號
鍘is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或約等于號
≈ is approximately equal to 約等于號
< is less than 小于號
> is more than 大于號
凇is not less than 不小于號
邸is not more than 不大于號
≤ is less than or equal to 小于或等于號
≥ is more than or equal to 大于或等于號
% per cent 百分之…
‰ per mill 千分之…
∞ infinity1 無限大號
° degree 度
′ minute 分
″ second 秒
妗Celsius2 system 攝氏度
{ open brace3, open curly 左花括號
} close brace, close curly 右花括號
( open parenthesis4, open paren 左圓括號
) close parenthesis, close paren 右圓括號
() brakets/ parentheses5 括號
[ open bracket 左方括號
] close bracket 右方括號
[] square brackets 方括號
. period, dot 句號,點
| vertical6 bar, vertical virgule 豎線
& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用
/ slash8, divide, oblique9 斜線,斜杠,除號
// slash-slash, comment 雙斜線,注釋符
# pound 井號
∝ varies as 與…成比例
√ (square) root 平方根
摺since; because 因為
∴ hence 所以
恕equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例
∠ angle 角
小semicircle 半圓
選circle 圓
稹circumference10 圓周
π pi 圓周率
鰲triangle 三角形
⊥ perpendicular11 to 垂直于
∪ union of 并,合集
∩ intersection12 of 交,通集
∫ the integral of …的積分
∑ (sigma) summation13 of 總和
\ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜線轉(zhuǎn)義符,有時表示轉(zhuǎn)義符或續(xù)行符
~ tilde 波浪符
. full stop 句號
, comma 逗號
: colon14 冒號
; semicolon 分號
? question mark 問號
! exclamation15 mark (英式英語) exclamation point (美式英語)
' apostrophe 撇號
- hyphen 連字號
-- dash 破折號
... dots/ ellipsis 省略號
" single quotation marks 單引號
"" double quotation marks 雙引號
parallel 雙線號
& ampersand = and
swung dash 代字號
§ section; division 分節(jié)號
→ arrow 箭號;參見號