1. 句型分析
a. Even though I usually know what I have to say, I cannot always express myself correctly in English.
這句話是一個復合句,由even though引導的讓步狀語從句。
b. This challenges me to practice my spoken English, with the result that I can complete the speaking tasks more fluently and quickly.
c. I think this is less than ideal because any differences in opinion become personal conflicts, and therefore that might jeopardize the employee’s job.
上句話是一個并列復雜句。and 連接了兩個句子,是一個并列句;because引導的原因狀語從句。
d. Shallow writing is indicative of weak critical-thinking skills, and such writing, which is often described as “sophomoric”, receives low mark.
2. 有問題的句子的列舉
1). 破碎句
破碎句:She singing alone. (無謂語,singing是現(xiàn)在分詞)
正確句:She is singing alone.
破碎句:He did not come. Because he was sick. (從句單獨成句)
正確句:He did not come because he was sick.
接連句:Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers they have greater freedom in planning their time.
正確句一:Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers. However, they have greater freedom in planning their time.
正確句二:Professionals such as lawyers or accountants usually work longer hours than factory workers; however, they have greater freedom in planning their time.
不正確句:Breaking chalk into two pieces is a physical change, there is no change in the composition of the chalk.
正確句:Breaking chalk into two pieces is a physical change, so there is no change in the composition of the chalk.
1. 高等教育給我們提供的質量、多樣的機會以及廣泛的選擇范圍是每個人想要去上大學的核心動機。
The quality and diversity of opportunities and the spread spectrum of choices higher education can provide us is the core motive for everyone intending to attend university.
core n. 核心,要點,果心;vt. 挖...的核
core values 核心價值觀
motive n. 動機,目的,主題; adj. 發(fā)動的,成為動機的; vt. 使產(chǎn)生動機,激起
motive power 原動力
It is believed that the ideas, opportunities, qualifications, in-depth knowledge and expertise in science areas often make attending university imperative.
in-depth adj. 徹底的,深入的
in-depth interview 深入訪談,深度訪問
expertise n.專門知識,專門技術,專家的意見
expertise report 鑒定書,法醫(yī)學鑒定書,檢驗報告
psychiatric expertise 精神疾病,精神鑒定,精神病學鑒定,精神病司法鑒定
imperative adj. 必要的,不可避的緊急的,命令的,專橫的,勢在必行的, (語)祈使句; n. 必要的事,命令,需要,規(guī)則,(語)祈使語
3. 最后但并不是最重要的,我想說的是大學的目的是獲得知識和受教育。
Last but not least, I wish to say that the purpose of university is to harvest knowledge and to being educated.
last but not least 最后但并不是最重要的
the last but not least 最后同樣重要的是
last but not not least 最后但也是最重要的
harvest n. 收貨,產(chǎn)量,結果;vt. 收割,得到
harvester 收割機
bumper harvest 豐收
educate vt. 教育,培養(yǎng),訓練
educational adj. 有教育意義的
education n. 教育
educationalist n. 教育家;
Knowledge is such a powerful tool that possessing it can diminish nearly all life problems.
Possess vt. 控制,使掌握,持有,迷住,擁有,具備
possessive adj. 占有的,所有的,所有格的,占有欲強的
possession n. 擁有,財產(chǎn),領地,自制,著迷
diminish vt. 使減少,使變小
diminish inflammation 消炎
nearly adv. 差不多,幾乎,密切地
nearly ready 快準備好了
Almost for sure our parents are the best teachers at the beginning of our lives, which actually corresponds to the parents’ role in nature.
for sure 確實,毫無疑問地
know for sure 確定地知道
nobody knows for sure 糊涂賬
actually adv. 實際上,事實上
actualization n. 實現(xiàn),現(xiàn)實化
actualize vt. 實施,實行,實現(xiàn)
correspond to 相當于..., 符合于...
correspond to orderliness 合乎規(guī)律性
They have a kind of instinct to sacrifice a part of themselves for the betterment of their children.
instinct n. 本能,直覺,天性; adj. 充滿著的
ego instinct 自我本能
by instinct 處于本能
instinct for... 有...的天分,生來就
sacrifice n. 犧牲,祭品,供奉;
vt. 犧牲,獻祭,虧本出售
sacrifice quality 降低品質
sacrifice ratio 犧牲率
at the sacrifice of... 以犧牲...為代價
betterment n. 改善,改進,改良,漲價
betterment approaches 完善途徑
betterment expense 固定資產(chǎn)良費用;
Adolescents are notoriously rebellious in many cultures and many automatically reject any advice from their parents.
adolescent adj. 青春期的,未成熟的;n. 青少年
adolescence n. 青春期
notoriously adv. 眾所周知地,聲名狼藉地,惡名昭彰地
notoriety n. 惡名,聲名狼藉,丑名
automatically adv. 自動地,機械地,無意識地
adj. 不經(jīng)思索的
automatically compensate 自動補償
automatically assign 自動指定
automation n. 自動化
automatize vt. 使自動化
reject vt. 拒絕,排斥,抵制,丟棄
n. 被丟棄之物或人,次品
rejective adj. 拒絕的,排斥的
rejection n. 拋棄,拒絕,被拋棄的東西
But the outcome of the efforts of the people is not a direct supply of food; rather it is in the form of money.
outcome n. 結果,結局,成果
outcome assessment 結果評價
therapeutic outcome 治療結果;
direct adj. 直接的,直系的,親身的,恰好的
vt. 管理,指揮,導演,指向
direct selling 直銷
directory adj. 指導的
director n. 主任,主管,導演
supply n. 供給,補給,供應品
supplementary adj. 補充的
supplier n. 供應廠商
supply chain 供應鏈;
In old days, preparing food was cumbersome and time-consuming work for those who do it solely for eating purposes.
cumbersome adj. 笨重的,累贅的,難處理的
operating cumbersome 操作繁瑣
time-consuming adj. 耗時的,曠日持久的
total time-consuming 總耗時
solely adv. 單獨地,唯一地
sole adj. 唯一的,單獨的,僅有的
The use of technological advancement makes preparing food practical even for the clumsiest person.
technological adj. 技術的,工藝的
technological design 工藝設計
technological development 技術發(fā)展
technology n. 技術
technologist n. 技術專家
technician n. 技師
advancement n. 前進,進步,提升
career advancement 職場晉升
technology advancement 技術進展
advanced adj. 先進的,高級的;
clumsiest clumsy 的最高級
clumsy adj. 笨拙的,不得當?shù)模?/p>
clumsiness n. 笨拙,粗陋,不漂亮
11. 有營養(yǎng)的食物是生活基本,食物已經(jīng)成為許多戰(zhàn)爭的原因。
Nutritious food is very essential for life, and food has been the cause of many a battle.
nutritious adj. 有營養(yǎng)的,滋養(yǎng)的
nutritious element 營養(yǎng)成分
nutritionist 營養(yǎng)學家
essential adj. 基本的,必要的,本質的,精
華的;n. 要素,要點,必需品
essential condition 必要條件
essential oil 精油
essentiality n. 重要性,本質,真髓,根本性
battle n. 戰(zhàn)役,斗爭
vt. 與…作戰(zhàn);vi. 斗爭,作戰(zhàn)
half the battle 有助于成功的條件,成功一半;battleship 戰(zhàn)艦
battler 戰(zhàn)斗者,勇士
The sudden rise in processed and canned food and all the junk food that one gets over the counter is not totally a boon.
processed adj. 處理的,加工過的;v. 處理,加工
finely processed 加工精細
get over the counter 在柜臺上
boon n. 恩惠,福利,利益
adj. 愉快的,慷慨的
It could even be termed as a retrograde step in human culture.
be termed as 被叫做…
retrograde adj. 倒退的,退化的,次序顛倒的;
vi. 逆行,倒退,退步
vt. 使倒退; adv. 倒退地,向后地
retrograde orbit 逆行軌道
in retrograde 向后,倒退地
culture n. 文化,文明,修養(yǎng),栽培
vt. (細胞)培養(yǎng)
culture industry 文化產(chǎn)業(yè)
cultural adj. 文化的,教養(yǎng)的
14. 真的很難決定兩個中哪一個更重要,因為通常情況下,從經(jīng)驗獲得的知識可以補充書本上的知識,而不是替代它
It is really difficult to determine which of the two to be of much greater importance, because normally knowledge gained from experience complements that acquired from books, but not substitutes it.
determine v. (使)下決心,(使)做出決定
vt. 決定,確定,判定,判決,限定;vi. 確定,決定,判決,終止,(主要用于法律)了結,終止,結束
determine property 確定屬性
determination 決心,果斷
normally adv. 正常地,通常的,一般地
normally tired 總感覺疲乏
normalization 正?;?,標準化,正規(guī)化,常態(tài)化
complements n 補足語,其余產(chǎn)品,互補品
cytokines complements 細胞因子
consequential complements 結果補語
object complement 賓語補足語,賓補
substitute n. 代用品,代替者
vi. 替代; vt. 代替
substitute fuel 代用燃料
substitute for 代替,取代
substitutable adj. 可替換的
15. 然而兩個中沒有哪一個比另一個絕對好,我認為實際經(jīng)驗會更重要一些。
While none of the two can be considered as absolute for the other, I would place the practical experience in a little bit advance position in terms of importance.
a little bit 一點點
advance n. 發(fā)展,前進,增長,預付款;
vt. 提出,預付,使…前進,將…提前;vi. 前進,進展,上漲;adj. 預先的,先行的
advance account 預付款賬戶
advance deposit 定金
advanced adj. 先進的,高級的,晚期的,老年
in advance 預先,提前
in advance of… 超過…, 在…前面
advance in 進步,改進
position n. 位置,方位,職位,工作,姿態(tài),
站位;vt. 安置,把…放在適當位置
financial position 財務狀況
prone position 臥姿
initial position 初始位置
leading position 首要地位
geographical position 地理位置
strategic position 戰(zhàn)略地位
invincible position 不敗之地
positioner (機)定位器
The first and foremost reason lies in the virtually inevitable pollution that a large factory is a bound to bring about.
foremost adj. 最重要的,最先的
adv. 首先,居于首位地
foremost expert 一流的專家
faith foremost 誠信至上;
virtually adv. 事實上,幾乎,實質上
virtually unimaginable 簡直不堪想象
inevitable adj. 必然的,不可避免的
inevitable trend 必然趨勢
inevitably adv. 不可避免地,必然地
inevitability n. 必然性,不可避免
bring about 引起,使掉頭
spark bring about 激發(fā),發(fā)動
17. 但是不幸的是,歷史已經(jīng)見證了許多的反例。
But unfortunately, history has witnessed numerous counterexamples.
unfortunately adv. 不幸地
unfortunately missing 不幸丟失
unfortunately limited 可惜能力有限
numerous adj. 許多的, 很多的
counterexample n. 反例
counterexample method 反例法
18. 這不會隨著我們的穿著和我們所擁有的東西停止,他會延伸至我們同齡人的行為方式。
This does not stop with just what we wear and own, and it also extends to the way we behave in our peer group.
extend to 延伸至,擴至,適用范圍擴及,給予
extend appreciation to 給予了贊賞
behave vi. 表現(xiàn);vt. 使守規(guī)矩,使表現(xiàn)得…
behave politely 表現(xiàn)禮貌
behave outstandingly 舉止不凡
behavior 行為,舉止,態(tài)度,反應
peer group 同齡群體
peer education group 同伴教育小組
19. 對于是否同意電視已經(jīng)破壞了家人和朋友之間的交流,是一件平衡正反兩方面的事情。
To agree or disagree with the statement that television has destroyed the communication among family and friends is a matter of balancing its pros and cons.
statement n. 聲明,陳述,敘述,報表,清單
cost statement 成本報表
funds statement 資金表
income statement 損益表
joint statement 聯(lián)合聲明
destroy vt. 破壞,消滅,毀壞
destroyable adj. 可毀滅的,可粉碎的
destroyer n. 驅逐艦,破壞者,起破壞
pros and cons 正反兩方面,贊成者和反對者
pros and cons quite 利弊相當
weigh pros and cons 權衡利弊
Nevertheless, the fact that city life makes it more convenient to purchase a job does not prevent us from concluding that country life is more enjoyable as well as healthful and placing a certain amount of reliance on the notion that country life is always the sensible choice.
nevertheless adv. 然而,不過,雖然如此
conj. 然而,不過
reliance n. 信賴,信心,受信賴的人或物
self reliance 自力更生
reliant adj. 依賴的,可靠的,信賴的
notion n. 概念,見解,打算
scientific notion 科學觀
notional adj. 概念性的,想象的,抽象的
sensible adj. 明智的,合乎情理的,通情達
sensible eating 合理飲食
sensibility n. 情感,敏感性,感覺,識別力;sensibilize vi. 使感覺敏銳
把TS (Thesis Statement ) 寫成以主語I 開頭。給人感覺是"announcement "
Eg: As far as I am concerned , I think………
I maintain that ……精品網(wǎng)(www.Examda。com)
好的TS 應該是個opinion ,沒必要說I think …..
2. 避免陳詞濫調,認為某些詞匯是高級詞匯,能夠體現(xiàn)自己的文才。其實已經(jīng)過時
Eg: at last but not the least…
Concerning/regarding (修改成about)來源:
3. 以為在寫supporting 的時候只是重復廢話。忽略評分標準的(well- developed )
4.陳舊的段落連接, 好的連接是內容上的自然連接,而不是看到文章firstly , secondly …
這正如好的吹牛是不給聽者留下任何吹牛的跡象, 但已經(jīng)吹過了。
5.無聊的重復topic sentence 內容用來作為結尾段。目的是增加字樹。 重復總結原文在ESSAY里面只用于長的文章,就托福寫作在重復一次,那是在侮辱讀者的智商。
6.關于詞匯多樣性/句法多樣性, 好的詞匯是多樣性而具體的詞匯。 好的句子是簡單和有效的句子,符合SAT/ GMAT 語法。