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        The friends, the Nanwan monkey island is a world only tropics islands monkey protectorate, it was located Lingshui County's most SouthEnd,the area had 1,000 hectares, on the island the mountain top rolling,the four seasons fruit and flowers fluttered the fragrance, was the monkey lives the multi plication place of ideal. In 1965 thecountry established " in here; Precious animal protectorate "Causes only to be left over 5 crowds of more than 100 only monkeysto develop present 29 crowds of more than 2,000 at that time,including 6 crowds of small monkeys and the tourist extremely isintimate with. Felt in the Nanwan monkey island people is the humanityand the monkey group, the happy atmosphere which harmoniously wastogether with the nature.

        The South African bay monkey island the monkey, the systematicname is called the macaque, belongs to the primate, its wool is brown,the face hole is red, but also steadily a pair of blue eye. Thesesmall monkeys are approximate to the humanity, extremely intelligent,is clever, in aspect and so on astronautics, medicine, origin of manhas the significant research value, on the monkey body MonkeyJujube(monkey is injured bleeds the after silt block) is the expensivedrugs.

        Every year in November to second year in February, is the femalemonkey's oestrus period, is in heat the female monkey face hole isspecially red. It is said monkey's esthetic standard and the personare dissimilar, the face hole red on more America, monkey Wang Jiuyuelikes. The female monkey generally as soon as yearly produces anembryo or is three yearly produces two embryos. Regarding own smallmonkey, the female monkey extremely dotes on, is not hugs in thebosom, is carries on the back in carries on the back, for fear thatwas injurying the small monkey, in this kind of great maternal lovethe island you observed. After little ape as long as two years old,the small male monkey must leave own mother, one kind has roamed aboutthe life, as long has been then mature until it as 78 years old,becomes a standard man, must challenge to various communities' monkeyking. The monkey king authority symbol raises up the high tail, othermale monkeys if curl upwards tail, the expression challenges to themonkey king. The monkey king contest is extremely frigid, often fleshand blood flying in all directions, cut and bruised, completelydepends on the strength. The victor is the king, the defeated eitheris made a clean sweep or occupies the second child. Works as themonkey king has the advantage very much, one is eats well drinks well,two is this crowd of middle grown-up female monkey all is own wife.Was similar with ancient times emperor, three palaces six courtyards.Between the female monkey also mutually is rivals for sexual favor, isin good graces becomes the monkey king the love imperial concubine, isnot in good graces the female monkey

        sometimes then secretly runs theappointment. Therefore the female tourist did not put on tooattractively, draped a red band the litchi to let the female monkeysenvy. Every year in November to second year in February, is the femalemonkey's oestrus period, is in heat the female monkey face hole isspecially red. It is said monkey's esthetic standard and the personare dissimilar, the face hole red on more America, monkey Wang Jiuyuelikes. The female monkey generally as soon as yearly produces anembryo or is three yearly produces two embryos. Regarding own smallmonkey, the female monkey extremely dotes on, is not hugs in thebosom, is carries on the back in carries on the back, for fear thatwas injurying the small monkey, in this kind of great maternal lovethe island you observed. After little ape as long as two years old,the small male monkey must leave own mother, one kind has roamed aboutthe life, as long has been then mature until it as 78 years old,becomes a standard man, must challenge to various communities' monkeyking. The monkey king authority symbol raises up the high tail, othermale monkeys if curl upwards tail, the expression challenges to themonkey king. The monkey king contest is extremely frigid, often fleshand blood flying in all directions, cut and bruised, completelydepends on the strength. The victor is the king, the defeated eitheris made a clean sweep or occupies the second child. Works as themonkey king has the advantage very much, one is eats well drinks well,two is this crowd of middle grown-up female monkey all is own wife.Was similar with ancient times emperor, three palaces six courtyards.Between the female monkey also mutually is rivals for sexual favor, isin good graces becomes the monkey king the love imperial concubine, isnot in good graces the female monkey sometimes then secretly runs theappointment. Therefore the female tourist did not put on tooattractively, draped a red band the litchi to let the female monkeysenvy. The person is small lives in the land, the young adultsstands in line the life in the fishing. Treats little while everybodyrides the Asian longest cross sea rope way time, may clearly see thatfamous marine village, the fish and shrimp jumps for joy, the peopleare very busy, a derivation machine abundant picture, in the sea levelalso has some boats, comes and goes, is shipping the person and thecargo, moves away trash. Also has some steamships, not willingly isdefending this blue color homeland, is must go to sea hits thefishing, a gate is 12 months. Steamship value more than 10.2 millionYuan, often are all family belongings, but the sea temperament also ismost is subject to changing moods, in order to implore safely, the eggfamily member ancestor's memorial tablet for in the cockpit, hangshawk's-bill turtle's lamella on the body, hopes Bon Voyage and to havethe good crop.

        Enters the Nanwan monkey island the matters needing attention(slightly) Piece:

        SouthMountain story: Plunges into thick of life a writer into SouthMountain,

        saw amother-in-law is gripping the short braid. The writer thought veryfreshly, goes forward to ask: " The mother-in-law, your suchgreat age also grips the short braid, did not fear others smile?" The mother-in-law said that, " My age is big? I also

        70.The short braid is my mother combs to me. " The writer askedthat, " Your mother? " " My mother climbed mountainsdelivers me grandfather to deliver the food to go to " "Your grandfather does on the mountain? " " Grazes sheep!"

        According to some old people spoke Hainan coldly is 1976 winter, thelowest temperature was 6 (emphasis is in zero 6), the result has diedsome old people and the farm cattle, it is said some ponds fish alsoturned white, the tourist said regarding us north, this temperaturesimply was not the life limit, but actually let the Hainan Islandchaotic square inch, said really was lets the person be funny. The Hainan people are sensitive to cold but are not sensitive to heat,but our tourist actually is hot awfully, after has come all makes twomatters: Escapes clothes, the disgrace. Antithetical couplet: Theprosperous war beautiful woman, Sanya unfortunately loss of chasties.HorizontalThrows over Not empty This line. Hainan although our country hottest place, butactually produces the coolest thing, this kind of phenomenon isextremely strange, the similarly coldest place actually produces themost thermal property thing, likes the coldest northeast

        threeconveniently to produce the ginseng, the marten skin, shouts pullsgrass these thermal property product, the hottest Hainan actuallyproduces the coolest thing: Pearl, quartz and hawk's-bill turtle. Thisalso is possibly " which the ancient said; Thing extremely Must instead "Reason.

        Moreover must remind everybody to come Hainan certainly to have todrink water, specially takes a walk in the scenic area, guards againstthe heat-stroke.

        The coconut tree is much longer tall and straight, the posture isexquisite, is Hainan's symbol, under answers the third question: Whycan the coconut tree incline to the sea? Very simple, that is becausecoconut tree's growth needs the salty share, some experienced farmersin plant the coconut tree seedling time can put 12 catties salts inthe pit, increases the nutrition for it.

        How does the coconut tree is come? The Li national minority peoplesaid that was they ancient times the leader jumps over the king tochange, jumps over the king to lead this clansman to revolt againstthe external aggression, but was unfortunate has been killed,afterwards his stature grew into the high coconut tree, the head growsinto the coconut tree, forever was gazing at the hometown. But thefable turns over to the fable, the coconut tree true origin is comesfrom to the Malay Archipelago. Malay Archipelago coconut tree "Splash " Falls the sea, fluttered along with the wave flutters,flutters Hainan Island, then took root in here, has formed a

        biglandscape. Depends on the wave to disseminate the seed, this is thecoconut tree

        walks arm in arm the sea second reason.

        The coconut tree to Hainan is very the unreasoning passion, it only inHainan result, a Qiongzhou haixia not result, therefore the GuangdongGuangxi only sees the coconut tree not to see the coconut tree.Hainan's coconut tree extremely

        industrious, throughout the yearThe flower opens The flower falls, fruit unceasing, does not stop for the humanity offers,our soldiersLacks the medicine Few medicines in the war age, uses the coconut tree waterto replace the grape syrup to hit the intravenous, has revived manypeople, could not think the coconut tree revolutionized for China hasalso stood one *, really was lovable also is respectable! Not onlythat, the coconut tree whole body all is valuable, the people its leafforming hat and the mat, the bough make the furniture, the flower andthe root do for the raw material for medicine, the fruit make food,the drink and the delicacy delicacies,

        unexpectedly has 360 accordingto some person of incomplete statisticses coconut tree's use manykinds of, really is does one's best, after dies but already!

        As the longevity island, Hainan must attract massive " every year;Setting sun red " The tourist group comes here leisure vacation,not only that many people also settled down in here, spend 5-6 tenthousand dollars to be able to buy a set of 60-70 square metercommodity apartment, the old couple live, have sufficed, thearthritis, the asthma also has not had, many! The modern peopleexcept eat to the full put on warmly, to the environment, the qualityof life is more and more is fastidious. Hainan Island air fresh,environment exquisite, for example Sanya, in the air oxygen isBeijing's 8 times, its environment quality is only inferior in theworld to Cuba's Havana, places second, is quite good. Came Hainan towant the deep breathing, did not have to waste oh.

        Compares Hainan with the mainland the environment is together the pureland, this is because Hainan nearly does not have the industry,constructs the province former Hainan industry to limit to " Twowhite two black " : The white sugar, the sea salt, the iron ore,the rubber, after construct the province vigorously to develop thesuperiority industry: Agriculture, marine products industry andtourism. Here climate warm, sea water limpid, produces each kind ofvegetables fruits and melons, the delicacy seafood are all worldfamous, many marine products are called the green aquatic product, hasobtained American and the European state market enters the card,continuously enters the various countries' market. Hainan's tourismdid not need to say much, all was full of praise including theoverseas traveling experts, said two could not think: " Could notthink Hainan has the such good traveling resources, west could notthink the island has the such advanced amusement facility! "

        Always mentioning, no matter the agriculture, the marine productsindustry, how

        the tourism do develop again, because the industrycannot come up, Hainan's economic potentiality and other provincecompare or appears weakly, some people said is in the name easternpart, in fact west. The national minority area economy also quite isspecially backward, the child is out of school, the teacher cannotattain the wages the phenomenon also frequently to appear, at presentthis province vigorously develops the tourism, also is the hopegradually leads the national minority economy through the tourism thedevelopment.

        Who is called Hainan " India Peaceful " Person? The Chinese,Lebanon, the seedling, return? That is Li national minority, Linational minority is the indigenous inhabitant, other all is external.Which emperor most early conquers Hainan? A, B, C? That is Martialemperor of Han dynasty. Martial emperor of Han dynasty sends himGeneral road Border to attack Hainan, 110 B.C., General Lu Da hasdefeated the Li national minority person, adds the code Canada tilefor China's domain. After on the island he has established twocounty: The bead cliff, the ear, the so-called bead cliff isrefers to nearby the sea on to produce the bead treasure. The earmeaning unclear, some people said is the ear is big.

        From then on, unceasingly some person of immigrants Hainan. Themerchant which has which is exiled the size official, has doesbusiness, has refugee which flees from calamity. Li Bai said on aSuchuan difficult difficulty with blue sky, but ancient time leads toHainan Island Lu Bishu also to want on to be difficult several hundredtimes. Luck good loses half life, luck poor family members dies on theroad, the ancient sighs: As soon as goes to 10,000 miles, thousandthousand not also, the cliff state in where, lives a Guimenguan! Themerchant flushes the rare treasures to come, also has settles downdown, because in the merchant the Fujian person quite are many,therefore the Hainan speech also belongs to the Minnan dialect.

        Butinteresting is, the Hainan person study Fujian speech is easy, but theFujian person study Hainan speech actually compared to ascends toheaven also difficultly. The Hui tribe also is migrates from outside, had more than 800 yearshistory according to now, mainly comes from to Arabic, Vietnam'sMuslim religion, in order to do business and avoids the chaos causedby war. But the Miao nationality

        compatriots are Ming Dynastygovernments in order to consolidate Hainan the border defense,assembles the seedling soldier from Guangxi to be stationed in here,result this lived has lived in 4500 the time.

        The friends, Hainan Island and Tibet, Xinjiang equally all are fromthe ancient capital is the national minority area, also is themotherland border area, has noisily is independent? Why? The mainisland national unity, politics are stable, this turns over to * to aSouthern and Northern Dynasties time heroine —— Madame Xian. MadameXian 15 years old inherits the father industry to become the chief, isleading

        海南省英語(yǔ)導(dǎo)游詞 中英文版

        The Site of Bo Ao Forum for Asia(博鰲亞洲論壇會(huì)址)

        Hello everyone! Welcome to Hainan province .I'm your tour guide , my name is Cherry. I'm so glad to stand here , today ,I will take you to a water city which named Boao.

        Boao is a small town that located at the east of qionghai of Hainan province .It is 110 kilometers from Haikou .Of cause ,the symbol of the town is the site of Boao forum for Asia .So somebody will ask me ,why this small town was chosen by world leaders as the permanent site for Asian. From geography angle to see, the town is at the mouth of Wanquan river, it has the most beautiful scenery together with Long gun river and Jiuqu river .In Chinese traditional concept, it means on the top of the beautiful scenery, it could take a lot of good luck to China .

        On April 12th, 2002.the first session was held in Boao, 2000 representatives and journalist took into the meeting. Since that time, Boao became the focus of Asia and the world .

        As scenic spot, Boao is famous for its Jade Belt Beach ,the beach is

        8.5kilometers long and the narrowest sand peninsula to separate the sea and river ,it also be listed in the Guinness World Record. Please look the beach over there, on one side is the smooth river, but on the other side are the vast waves of the sea. The beautiful scenery attract a lot of tourists every year, so do not forget to bring it to your memory .If you want to take photos , I will help you !thank you !





        The end of the earth(天涯海角)

        Hello!Everyone, welcome to Hainan province I 'm the guide from Sanya travel agency, my name is Cherry. Today, I will take you to the most famous scenic sport in Hainan ,Tian ya hai jiao, the end of the earth! It is located 20kms west of San ya with Mt Ma ling at its back.

        Now, we are going to visit the scenery of "Pillar under southern sky ".There is a moving story about it. In ancient times, there are fierce waves on the sea surface, it made people could not go fishing on the sea .Two fairy maidens decide to do something for the locals. They left the heaven and stood upon the waves, then the wind went down and the sea became quite calm .But the Lady Queen mother got very angry, because fairies are not allowed to interfere in human affairs. So she decided to arrest them to back .In order to guidance for the fisherman, two fairies became double -sail rocks into the sea .When the rock struck by the lighting ,half of it flew onto the beach of Tian ya hai jiao. People admired the fairy maidens being upright so called it "Pillar under southern sky ".

        Our next station is Tian ya hai jiao, the sauce about it from Song Dynasty ,the emperor banished criminals to Yazhou, as the road is toolong ,so people call it the end of the earth .About Tianya haijiao ,it is said that there is a couple of young people love with each other ,but their families wound not consent the marriage ,so they chose to headed for the sea. Finally, they became two stones, since that time, they will never been separated and become a symbol of love. These words on the stones were inscription by official of Yazhou in Qing Dynasty . Now the scenic spot become a romantic place attract a lot of tourists every year .

        So everyone come to here will take photos as souvenir, if you want, I will help you!



        Lu hui tou Park(鹿回頭公園)

        Hello!Everybody, welcome to the province of Hainan .I 'm your tour guide, my name is Cherry. I 'm so glad to stand here .Today, I will take you to a romantic scenic spot named Lu hui tou ,the Deer turning head .

        So, friends, here is Lu hui tou Peninsula at an elevation of 285meters. The park was built in 1984.So somebody will ask me .the mountain ranges in Hainan were Niuling and Malinger. Why we called Deer turning head? So I am going to tell you a beautiful fairy tale .

        Long long ago, there lived a hardworking and warmhearted young hunter in the Wuz hi shan mountains. One day, he went hunting .he found a colorful deer and tracked it .After climbing 99 mountains ,wading cross 99 rivers in 9 days and nights, he came to the cliff where this park is located ,as soon as the young hunter was drawing the bow and to shoot the deer ,but with flesh of light ,the deer turned her head and became a beautiful girl of the the Li nationality .It turned out the fairy maiden in the heaven took a fancy to the young hunter .then ,the fairy maiden and the young hunter got married and left a happy life,as the romantic legend ,people call the place Deer turning head

        Everybody, here is the top of the mountain ,Look at the sculpture with a hight of 15meters,,that is young hunter and the fairy maiden ,the fairy maiden is gentle ,graceful and beautiful ,and shyness while the young hunter is strong and honest .Despite that they stand back to back ,but their heart beat as one .The sculpture was carved by Mr Lin, a famous sculptor sculptured the "Five Ram city" in Guangzhou province .

        in order to convenience the tourists, the park is open all night long .Standing on the mountain high ,you can enjoy all beautiful scenery in San ya. here allowed is the best place to watch the sunrise and sunset ,also is good for taking photos, if you need ,I will help you !







        Nsnshan Cultural tourism Zone (南山文化旅游區(qū))

        Hello!Everybody, welcome to the province of Hainan .I 'm your tour guide , my name is Cherry .I 'm so glad to stand here .Today ,I will take you to Nsnshan Cultural tourism Zone

        The scenic spot located at the city of Sanya, 40kilometers from downtown area .covered an area of 34.7square kilometers with buddhist culture , tropical marine landscape ,and local customs. It was conferred with the title "Model Ecological Environment Restoration Protection "by Hainan province .

        There are many South mountains in China, but the south mountain in San ya is the most southeast south mountain, and the average lifetime here is ranking the first of China. And it is also a place of perfect happiness and longevity, because the famous Chinese Monk Jian zhen and the Japanese Monk Kong hai had been here, and at last they all succeeded.

        Today, our first station is The one and only way , Standing before the gate of the zone ,you will see the word ,how to explain it ?there is a story ,someday all the Buddhists were discussing the one and the only way ,all the people expressed their viewpoints, but only Wi mo ji smiled. At this moment, Bodhisattva wen shu said : he has gone to only way to express himself without a word .So it means forget the right and wrong ,without any distractions

        The second place is Nan shan temple .The magnificent temple was built with Tang Dynasty style , consist of the front and rear halls, the dormitories on right are for monks. The temple also has the unique topography, it is right in the lap of the buddha , and facing to the south China sea .coincidentally ,left of the temple there is a huge tree like dragon ,on left is a stone tiger ,in traditional Chinese culture ,it is the symbol of good luck

        Next , we will visit the Gold and jade Bodhisattva Guan yin ,it is really a rare art treasure. They are very famous, and they will bring you good luck if you worship them. if you want to take photos, please tell me ,I will help you !













