啊呸!真見鬼! Oh, heck!heck表示有點(diǎn)灰心和失望。
Oh, heck! I failed the test. (噢,見鬼!沒考及格。)
= Oh, darn!
= Oh, no!
什么! Shucks!
Where is your homework? (你的作業(yè)在哪兒呢?)
Shucks! I forgot it at home. (哎呀!我忘在家里了。)
真見鬼! Shoot!
Shoot! I Missed the train. (真見鬼!我沒趕上電車。)
= Sheesh!
他媽的! Shit!
啊!糟了! Uh-oh.
Did you bring the book I lent you? (你借我的書帶來(lái)了嗎?)
Uh-oh. I forgot. (啊,糟了,我忘了。)
有的事是行不通的。 Not everything is logical.
logical “合邏輯的”、“合乎道理的”。
= Everything isn't always logical.
= Not everything follows the rules of logic.
(金錢)全都浪費(fèi)了。 It went down the drain.
drain “排水管”。
How was the investment? (投資的那個(gè)項(xiàng)目怎么樣?)
It went down the drain. (全都白搭了。)
就差那么一點(diǎn)兒。 I almost made it.
The train just left. (電車剛走。)
I almost made it. (就差那么一點(diǎn)兒。)
= I was almost on time.
= I was just a little late. (就晚了那么一點(diǎn)兒。)
想點(diǎn)兒辦法吧! Do something!
Our house is a mess? (我們的家真亂。)
So, do something! (那,你就收拾收拾吧。)
= Do something about it!
= Please do something about it.(請(qǐng)想點(diǎn)兒辦法吧!)
Please take care of it for me.(請(qǐng)為我處理一下兒吧。)
我忙得要命。 I'm so busy.
I'm so busy today. (我今天忙得要命。)
How about tomorrow? (那明天怎么樣?)
= I'm too busy.
= I'm as busy as a bee.短語(yǔ),“像蜜蜂一樣忙碌”。
這項(xiàng)工作對(duì)我來(lái)說太重了。 This task is too much for me.
This task is too much for me. (這項(xiàng)工作對(duì)我來(lái)說太重了。)
Please don't give up yet. (請(qǐng)你別放棄。)
I can't complete this task alone. (我一個(gè)人無(wú)法完成這項(xiàng)工作。)
= This is too much for me to handle.
這么點(diǎn)兒薪水我怎么夠活呀! I can't make ends meet on my small salary.
= I can't live on my low pay.
= I can't get along on my scanty pay.
= I find it impossible to make ends meet on my small salary.
我再也忍不下去了。 This is the last straw.
last straw 表示“再也無(wú)法承受的負(fù)擔(dān)和困難上又新加的痛苦”。
Your husband hit you again? (你丈夫又打你了?)
Yes. This is the last straw. (是的。我再也忍不下去了。)
= That's it.
= I've had it up to here.
= I can't take it any more.
你的答復(fù)我接受不了。 Your response is unacceptable.
unacceptable 表示“接受不了”。
= I'm not satisfied with what you say.
= Your answer is unsatisfactory.
我不滿意他的回答。 I'm not satisfied with his answer.
be satisfied with... “對(duì)……感到滿意”。
= I'm dissatisfied with his answer.
= His answer didn't satisfy me.
他今天一副挑釁的樣子。 He's got a chip on his shoulder today.
公平點(diǎn)兒! Play fair!
= Play fairly!
= Don't cheat! (不許搞鬼。)
多費(fèi)時(shí)費(fèi)錢呀! What a waste of time and money!
What a waste of time and money! (費(fèi)時(shí)又費(fèi)錢。)
Don't say that. (你別那么說呀!)
= You're wasting your time and money!
你太慷慨了。 You're too generous.
在送給別人相當(dāng)有價(jià)值的東西等場(chǎng)合時(shí)使用。generous “慷慨的”、“不吝惜的”、“寬大的”、“度量大的”。
I'd like you to have this. (我想送你這個(gè)。)
You're too generous. Thank you very much. (你太慷慨了。謝謝。)
= You're too kind.
他把一切都告訴了我。 He told me all about it.
= He told me everything.
怎么花這么長(zhǎng)時(shí)間? What's taking so long?
= Why is it taking so long?
10分鐘怎么也來(lái)不及。 I can't make it in ten minutes.
I need more time. (我還需要點(diǎn)兒時(shí)間。)
It'll take me longer than ten minutes. (要花10分鐘以上。)
Ten minutes isn't enough time. (10分鐘太倉(cāng)促了。)
他看不起我。 He looks down on me.
= He despises me.
He respects me. (他尊重我。)
你什么忙也幫不了。 You're good for nothing.
簡(jiǎn)直快讓我瘋了。 It drives me crazy.
I hate that noise. (我真討厭那種聲音。)
It drives me crazy. (它簡(jiǎn)直快讓我瘋了。)
= It makes me crazy.
= It drives me up the wall.
就這些嗎? Is that all?
I'd like this one, and that one, please. (我要這個(gè)和那個(gè)。)
Is that all? (就這些嗎?)
= Is that it?
= Anything else? (還要?jiǎng)e的嗎?)
這太少了。/這不夠。 That's not enough.
I'll give you 10% off. (我給你便宜10%。)
That's not enough. How about 20% off? (這太少了。20%怎么樣?)
I'd like more. (我還想要點(diǎn)兒。)
I need more. (我需要再多一點(diǎn)兒。)
他對(duì)我不公平。 He's unfair to me.
unfair “不公平的”、“不合理的”。
= He treats me unfairly.
= He doesn't treat me fairly. (他對(duì)待我不公平。)
別再辯解了! No more excuses!excuse “辯解”。
= Don't make (any) excuses!
= Don't give me excuses.
= No ifs, ands or buts!用在有人用if(如果……的話)、and(還有)、but(但是……)等詞作解釋時(shí)。
But I can't. (可是,我不會(huì)呀!)
No ifs, ands or buts! You will finish it today. (不要找借口,你今天怎么也得完成。)
我不想再聽你的辯解了。 I've heard enough of your excuses.
But I can't help it. (可是我毫無(wú)辦法呀!)
I've heard enough of your excuses. (我不想再聽你的辯解了。)
我不想聽任何解釋。 I don't want to hear any excuses.
這樣也解釋不通呀。 That's not a good excuse.
= That's no excuse.
你到底在想什么呢? What's the big idea?
別給我開空頭支票。 Don't give me any lip service!
lip “嘴唇”,“lip service”表示“口惠”。
= Don't give me any lip.
你少命令我! Don't tell me what to do!
You don't need to buy that. (你沒必要買那個(gè)。)
Hey, don't tell me what to do! It's my money. (喂!你少命令我,這是我自己的錢。)
氣瘋了我了! I'm mad!
I'm mad at you! (你氣死我了!)
I'm sorry, please forgive me. (對(duì)不起,請(qǐng)?jiān)彙?
= I'm angry.
= I'm upset.upset “生氣,心煩意亂”。
= I'm ticked off.tick off 俚語(yǔ),“使人生氣”。
那真討厭! That's disgusting.
That's disgusting. Are you going to eat that? (看上去真惡心,你準(zhǔn)備吃嗎?)
Yes, it's delicious. Try it. (嗯,很好吃啊,你試試!)
That's gross. (那真惡心。)
你真讓我心煩。 You're getting on my nerves.
nerve “神經(jīng)”,get on my nerves“觸動(dòng)我的神經(jīng),讓我心煩”。
You're getting on my nerves.(你真讓我心煩。)
That's not a nice thing to say.(你這樣說也太失禮了。)
= You're bothering me. (你使我感到煩惱。)
= You're really irritating me. (你真讓我煩。)
= You're starting to get on my nerves. (你又開始做讓我心煩的事了。)
別取笑我! Don't make fun of me!
make fun of...慣用短語(yǔ),“嘲笑,開玩笑”。
Ha, ha, you fell down. (哈!哈!摔倒了呀。)
= Don't make fun of me. (別取笑我!)
= Don't tease me. (別拿我開玩笑。)
= Don't talk down to me. (別說看不起人的話。)
= Don't belittle me. (別看不起人。)
請(qǐng)別上火。 Don't be upset.
我再也沒耐心了。 I've run out of patience.
run out of... “用光……,耗盡……”。patience “忍耐,耐性”。
Calm down. (冷靜點(diǎn)兒。)
I can't. I've run out of patience. (我做不到,我再也忍耐不了了。)
I lost my temper. (我發(fā)脾氣了。)
你放肆! What nerve!
你竟有臉說這種事! How impudent you are to say such a thing!
impudent “厚顏的”,“不知羞恥的”。
How impolite! (怎么那么厚顏無(wú)恥!)
That's a rude thing to say! (那樣說太野蠻。)
他說的話多氣人呀。 What he says offends me.
offend “得罪人,使人生氣,給人不愉快的感覺”。
What he says offends me. (他說的話多氣人呀。)
I know what you mean. (我理解你的心情。)
What he says bothers me. (他說的話讓人心煩。)
我們得反擊。 We've got to get even.
get even “回?fù)簦瑘?bào)復(fù)”。
= We have to get him back.
我又不是不懂。 I wasn't born yesterday.
It's a great deal. (那可是件好事呀。)
I wasn't born yesterday. (我又不是不懂。)
= I didn't just fall off the turnip truck!
turnip 蔬菜中的“蕪菁”,直譯“我又不是剛從貨車上掉下來(lái)的蕪菁。”用該短語(yǔ)表示“我知道得十分清楚”。
= I'm not stupid! (我沒那么傻。)
= I'm not naive! (我又不是沒見過世面。)
別把我當(dāng)傻瓜。 Don't think you can make a fool out of me!
make a fool out of... 表示“輕視,看不起”。直譯是“別以為你可以輕視我!”
Don't try to make me look foolish! 直譯“別把我弄得像個(gè)傻瓜”。
= You can't make me look stupid!
你拿我開涮呢。 You're making fun of me.
make fun of... 表示“看不起人,把……作為取笑對(duì)象”。把它作為一個(gè)短語(yǔ)來(lái)記。
= You're teasing me. (你耍我呢。)
tease “逗弄,戲弄”、“愚弄”。
= Are you trying to make a fool out of me? (你是不是在把我當(dāng)笑料呀?)
真是獅子大開口。 That's asking too much.
I'll do it for ¥50,000. (給五萬(wàn),我就干!)
That's asking too much. (真是獅子大開口。)
You're being too greedy. (你也太貪了。)
You're pushing your luck. (你還真來(lái)勁!)
他是急脾氣。 He has a quick temper.
= He has a short temper.
= He has a bad temper.
你知道你是在對(duì)誰(shuí)說話嗎? Who do you think you're talking to?
You can't talk to me like that. (你不能這樣對(duì)我說話。)
= Do you know who you're talking to?
你有什么要說的嗎? Do you have anything to say?
= Do you have anything to complain about?
= Do you have any objection to it? (你有什么不同意見?)
我不能讓你隨心所欲。 I won't let you have your own way.
let “同意讓……”、“讓……”、“隨便讓……”。
You can't have everything your own way.
I'm not giving in. (我絕不讓步。)
這是恐嚇。 That's blackmail!
A) If you don't help me, I'll turn you in. (你要不幫我,我就把你交給警方。)
B) That's blackmail! (你這是恐嚇。)*B做了壞事,而被A知道。
你別侮辱人。 Don't insult me.
= Don't insult my intelligence.直譯“你別侮辱我的才智”。用于吵架開始時(shí)。
你是一個(gè)卑鄙的騙子。 You're a filthy liar.
你會(huì)后悔的。 You'll be sorry.
I lent him money. (我把錢借給他了。)
You'll be sorry. (你會(huì)后悔的。)
= You'll regret it.
= You'll wish you hadn't done it. (你會(huì)后悔這么做的。)
你瘋啦? Are you crazy?
Isn't he cool? (他是不是很酷?)
Are you crazy? (你是不是瘋啦?)
= Are you nuts?
= Are you out of your mind?
= Are you insane?
= Are you delirious?
= Are you all there?
= Are you confused?更尖銳的說法。
別用那種眼神看著我! Don't look at me like that!
Don't look at me like that! (別用那種眼神看著我!)
Like what? (什么眼神?)
Don't stare at me! (別盯著我。)stare at...“一直盯著看,凝視”。
我要報(bào)復(fù)。 I want to get even with him.
I'll pay him back. (這個(gè)仇我一定得報(bào)。)
那個(gè)狡猾、卑鄙的家伙。 That sneaky, low life creep!
sneaky“鬼鬼祟祟,卑鄙的”,low life “社會(huì)下層的人,卑怯的家伙”,creep “陰郁得讓人討厭的人”、“非常討厭的人”。
(根本)不是!?是的! Is not! ? Is too!
= Is not! ? Is so!
= Uh-uh! ? Uh-huh! 因?yàn)镮s not和Uh-uh表達(dá)的是No的意思,所以是一邊搖著頭一邊說。
隨便吧! Have it your way!
We should turn right. (我們?cè)撏夜铡?
I think we should go left. (我覺得該往左拐。)
Okay, okay, have it your way! (好吧,好吧,你隨便吧!)
= Do it your way!
= Do whatever you want!
= Do as you please.
= It's your choice.
= Suit yourself!
真無(wú)聊! It's boring.
Do you want to watch that movie? (你想看那部電影嗎?)
No, I hear it's boring. (不,聽說那電影很無(wú)聊。)
真沒意思! Dull.
My life is dull. (我每天都這么無(wú)聊。)
= It's dull. (沒勁。)
毫無(wú)價(jià)值!/不值一提! It's for the birds.
I hate this class. (我最討厭上這課。)
I agree. It's for the birds. (沒錯(cuò)。真無(wú)聊。)
= It's no good.
= It sucks.
我不感興趣。 I'm not interested.
So, when do you want to go out with me? (你什么時(shí)候能和我約會(huì)呢?)
I'm not interested in you. (我對(duì)你不感興趣。)
沒什么了不起的。 It's nothing great.
How's your new job? (你的新工作怎么樣?)
It's nothing great. (沒什么了不起的。)
= It's nothing much.
我不滿意。 I'm not satisfied.
= I'm dissatisfied.
= I'm not happy about it.
= I'm not content.
= I'm discontent.
就是常見的那種會(huì)議。 It was just another meeting.
just another“常有的,不稀奇的”。
How was the meeting? (那個(gè)會(huì)怎么樣?)
It was just another meeting. (很平常。)
= It was just a meeting.
= That meeting was nothing special. (那個(gè)會(huì)沒有什么特別的。)
我不能專心工作。 I can't get into my work.
get into...“專心做……”、“對(duì)……抱有興趣”。
I can't concentrate on my work. (我不能集中精力工作。)concentrate on...“集中精力做……”。
I can't get excited about my job. (我沒有工作的熱情。)
I've lost interest in my work. (我對(duì)我的工作失去了興趣。)
那早過時(shí)了。 It's outdated.
= It's out of date.
拜托! Give me a break.
I don't know her, I promise. (我發(fā)誓我不認(rèn)識(shí)她。)
Give me a break! (算了吧,別玩花樣了。)
= Get real. (你認(rèn)真點(diǎn)兒。)
= Tell me the truth. (告訴我實(shí)話。)
= Stop joking. (別開玩笑。)
= Get serious. (說正經(jīng)的。)
= Stop kidding! (別耍弄我。)
= Stop pulling my leg! (別跟我逗!)
我忍受不了。 I can't stand it.
stand “容忍,忍耐”。
Tom is very rude. (湯姆太粗魯了。)
Yeah, I can't stand it. (就是,我真受不了他。)
= I can't take it (anymore).
= I can't bare it (anymore).
= I can't take the strain.
= I can't stand it any longer.
= I can't put up with it any longer!put up with...“忍受……”。
夠了! That's enough.
Mom! She won't leave me alone and she keeps playing with my toys and... (媽媽,她不讓我一個(gè)人呆著,還拿我的玩具玩。)
That's enough. Stop complaining. (夠了,別那么多牢騷了。)
I've had it. (我受不了了。)
= I've had enough.
= I've heard enough! (我聽夠了。)
= That's it.
= Enough is enough. (夠了,別再說了!)
饒了我吧! Have a heart!
Finish your homework first, then wash my car. (你先寫作業(yè),然后再把我的車洗了。)
Have a heart, dad! (饒了我吧,爸爸!)
越聽越煩。 The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I get.
The more..., the more... “越……越……”、 “越來(lái)越……”。
= The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I become.
= The more I know, the sicker I feel.
她又來(lái)了。 There she goes again.
A) Are you listening? I said... (你聽著呢嗎? 我是說……)
B)(To C) Oh, no! There she goes again. ([對(duì)C說]得,她又來(lái)了。)
She's starting it again.
She's saying it again. (她又說上了。)
哦,真煩。 Oh, man!
No, you can't go. (不行,你不能去。)
Oh, man! You never let me do anything. (哦,真煩!你總是什么都不讓我做。)
我不想聽。 I don't want to hear it.
= I don't want to hear about it.
這次又是什么? Now what?
There's one more problem. (還有個(gè)問題。)
Now what? (這次又是什么?)
What else? (還有什么?)
= What's next?
= What else is wrong? (還有什么不對(duì)勁的嗎?)
= What is it this time?