A: It’s a lovely day out today, isn’t it?
B: It’s beautiful, joy won’t last. Suppose to get cold tomorrow.
A: What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow?
B: Suppose to snow early tomorrow morning. And then tomorrow afternoon there is a chance of freezing rain.
A: That doesn’t sound pretty.
B: Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
A: Well, I was going to drive to Birmingham to see some friends.
B: You may want to change your plans with the cold and wet weather that we suppose to have tomorrow. The roads are going to be rather slippery.
A: I suppose I should. I don’t like driving in dangerous weather conditions. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
B: I just have to go to class tomorrow afternoon.
A: If you are lucky, it will get canceled, and you can have a snow day.
B: if that happens, then I’ll invite you all here, and we can drink hot coco, and watch movies.
A: That sounds like a fun.
B: Hey, look outside, it’s starting to drizzle.
A: English weather is even more predictable than I had previously thought.
A: Are you ready to go to the supermarket?
B: Yes, are you?
A: I’ve got my money and my keys. So I’m ready.
B: You do know that it’s absolutely freezing out, don’t you? I will put a coat on, if I were you.
A: It wasn’t cold out this morning. Well, it started raining since then. Look out the window, it’s pouring rain out there.
B: Oh, I guess we’d better grab our umbrella then as well.
A: Have a look at outside for me. Does that look like a hell to you?
B: It does actually. Maybe we should wait for it clear up before we go shopping.
A: That’s a good idea. But maybe we should move the car, so that the hail doesn’t dent it.
B: Ok, I’ll go move the car if you turn the heat on. It’s a bit chilly here.
A: How long do you think this hail storm suppose to last?
B: I don’t know. The weatherman didn’t say anything about this in the weather report last night.
A: Maybe we should turn on the news in case it suppose to get worse.
B: I don’t thing we have anything to worry about. Do you want to put on a cup of tea as well?
A: Good idea, that’ll help us to warm up.
B: If I’m not back in ten minutes, come and find me.
A: All right, I’ll have a cup of tea waiting for you.
A: Do you believe in UFOs?
B: Sure, a UFO is just species going from other planets. If you think about it, our space shuttles are UFOs.
A: I've never thought about like that before.
B: I've seen photos of UFO in America before, but they've all of darked up.
A: Do you think there's life on other planets?
B: I think there must be.
A: Why is that?
B: I don't think it will make sense if we are the only being in this whole world. The world is just far to big for that.
A: Do you think there's intelligent life trying to contact us?
B: No, but we are trying to contact them.
A: I suppose you are right.
B: I think the country is working hard to find a planet that we can live on in the future, so that when global warming destroys this planet, human kind will not become extinct.
A: Do you really think global warming will destroy earth someday?
B: There's a lot of evidence suggests it will. But I don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon.
A: Guess what? I know something you don't know.
B: What's that?
A: How many planets are there in the Solar System?
B: That's easy. Everyone knows there are nine.
A: Not anymore. Can you believe it? They've decided that Pluto is not a planet anymore.
B: Nice try. I wasn't born yesterday you know.
A: I am dead serious. They've decided that it's too small to be a planet. But actually they haven't yet agreed on how big something has to be in order to be a planet anymore.
B: That sounds crazy. But they can't just change their minds about things like that.
A: Yes, they can. If you remember correctly people used to believe the world was flat.
B: I suppose you are right. They also used to think that they were so important that the sun revloved around them, not the other way around.
A: We actually know relatively little about space and cosmos.
B: Do you that oneday we are able to travel to another planet for a vacation?
A: I suppose we could actually live on a planet outside the Milky Way.
B: Do you think we will get to meet Elites from outer space?
A: I hope not. I think it would be a threat to those of us that live in the earth.
B: You are so old fashined. That's what people used to think about people from another country.
A: Point taking. Hopefully one day we are living in an interplanet society.