44. It is surprising that some students have little or no knowledge of English. 令人感到吃驚的是, 有些學生英語懂得很少, 或者根本不懂英語。
45. The rush to learn English has reached even China. 這種學習英語的浪潮甚至波及到中國。
46. Washington is known as “the father of his country” and is one of those “larger than life” historical figures who are known around the world. 華盛頓被稱為“美國國父”,是一位譽滿全球的具有傳奇色彩的歷史人物。
47. Many immigrants have come to this land of opportunity for that reason-to seek a better future. 許多移民基于這個緣故來到了這塊充滿機會的土地上──為了追求一個更好的未來。
48. Not all Americans are rich, but most are concerned about money. Success-oriented Americans often measure people’s worth by how much they have. 并非所有的美國人都很有錢, 但大多數(shù)美國人都在乎錢。以成功為取向的美國人常常用人們擁有財產(chǎn)的多少來衡量他們的價值。
49. As a result, nearly half of foreign students in the U.S. are concentrated in just 100 out of 2,500 post-secondary institutions, mostly brand-name schools. 結果, 在美留學生幾乎有一半集中在2500所高校的僅100所, 這些學校大多是名牌學校。
50. Credit cards symbolize American shopping habits: “Buy now, pay later.” 信用卡反映美國人的購物習慣:“現(xiàn)在買, 以后付。”
51. In general, the act is designed to keep the U.S. high-tech industry on top by filling the need for skilled technology workers. 總之,這個法案是為了填補美國對熟練技術工人的需求,以保持美國在高科技工業(yè)中的領先地位而制定的。
52. Tom’s college education gave him an advantage over boys who had not been to a university. 湯姆的大學教育使他比沒上過大學的男孩們占優(yōu)勢。
53. Educators also claim that calculators are so inexpensive and commonplace that students must become competent in using them. 教育家們還聲稱, 計算器如此便宜而又普遍, 學生必須學會熟練使用。
54. He already has five honorary doctorates-the latest bestowed upon him by Yale University late of May, 2002-but what he really wanted was this humble bachelor’s degree. 斯皮爾伯格已獲得5個榮譽博士頭銜,其中最近的一個是在2002年5月下旬由耶魯大學授予的,然而他最想得到的卻是這個不起眼的學士學位。
55. Calculators do have their place in the world outside school and, to a limited extent, in higher-level math classes, but they are hardly education tools. 計算器在學校之外的社會中的確有其地位, 在高等數(shù)學課堂上也有一定的作用, 但它們很難算得上是教育工具。
56. A student who has grown up with a calculator will struggle with both strategies and computations. 一個伴著計算器長大的學生既要對付解題策略, 又要對付實際運算。
57. Students learn far more when they do the math themselves. 學生自己進行數(shù)學運算所獲得的收益遠比依賴計算器多。
58. A student who learns to handle numbers mentally can focus on how to attack a problem and then complete the actual calculations easily. 學會心算的學生能把注意力集中到如何解題上, 然后輕而易舉地完成實際運算。
59. It’s my mother who has been encouraging me never to lose heart when I had difficulties in study. 這些年來,當我在學習中遇到困難時,是我的母親一直在鼓勵我從不要泄氣。
60. With more students applying to college than ever before, admissions directors are paying especially close attention to essays, interviews, and teacher recommendations. 由于有比以往更多的學生申請上大學, 招生部主任將格外注重作文、面試和教師的推薦信。
61. Calculators prevent students from seeing this kind of natural structure and beauty in math. 計算器妨礙學生認識數(shù)學中這類自然結構和美。
62. If we don’t require students to do the simple problems that calculators can do, how can we expect them to solve the more complex problems that calculators cannot do? 如果我們不讓學生做那些計算器能代勞的簡單的運算, 又怎么能期待他們?nèi)ソ鉀Q計算器解決不了的更為復雜的問題呢?
63. Your parents are the people responsible for helping you make decisions until you’re 18. 父母是有責任幫助你在18歲之前做決定的人。
64. But he is too young to understand cheating won’t do him any good in the long run. 就長遠而言, 他太小, 還不懂得欺騙會給他帶來害處。
65. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul. 教育之于心靈, 就如雕刻術之于大理石。
66. He began to study accounting at night sessions of the City University of New York, earning his tuition during the daytime. 他開始晚間在紐約城市大學學習會計,白天做工賺學費。
67. Those who educate children well are to be more honored than the parents, for the latter only give them life while the former teach them the art of living well. —Aristotle (Ancient Greece) 把兒童教育好的人們甚至應該比他們的父母更受尊敬,因為后者僅僅給予他們生命,前者卻教給他們生活好的藝術。 ──(古希臘)亞里士多得
68. The cloning of Dolly the sheep nearly 5 years ago raised the hopes of transplant scientists looking for an endless supply of lifesaving organs. 將近5年前,克隆羊多莉給尋求無窮無盡的救命器官供貨的移植學家?guī)砹讼M?/p>
69. I would (had) rather join you in research work than go on a holiday to the seaside. 我與其到海濱去度假,倒不如和你們一起參加科研工作。
70. The further that Joy dug into the cutting edge of research in the new technologies-robotics, genetic engineering and nanotechnology-the more horrified he became. 喬伊在機器人學、基因工程和納米技術等新技術研究領域的前沿鉆得越深, 就越感到恐懼。
71. What Henry Ford is to the automobile, George Eastman to photography, and Charles Goodyear to rubber, Edison is to not one but several of today’s essential technologies. 對當今不止一項而是多項重要技術的貢獻, 就如同Henry Ford 對汽車、George Eastman 對攝影、Charles Goodyear 對橡膠的貢獻一樣大。
72. Very heavy objects or bulky materials like coal, cement, mineral ore, and the like, are weighed in tons. 非常重的物體或者像煤、水泥、礦石等堆積如山的原材料用噸計重。
73. By the end of this century, about 5,000 modern windmills will be in operation, generating about 20% of the electricity of the country. 到本世紀末, (荷蘭) 將有5000架現(xiàn)代化的風車投入運行, 生產(chǎn)約全國20%的電力。
74. Agriculture will have to undergo a drastic change to meet the needs of the new situation. Otherwise, the country will starve. 農(nóng)業(yè)必須進行深入的改革, 以滿足新形勢的需要。否則, 國家將遭受饑荒。
75. In the northern area, it is necessary to plant varieties which are outstandingly resistant to low winter temperature. 北部地區(qū)只能種植確實能抗冬季低溫的品種。
76. Synthetic, or man-made, diamonds have been manufactured from carbon since the mid-1950s, when General Electric Co. developed the process for making small diamonds for industrial uses. 人們從20世紀50年代中期就開始用碳來制造或人工合成鉆石,當時通用汽車公司開發(fā)出了生產(chǎn)工業(yè)用小鉆石的工藝。
77. The WTO’s creation on January 1 1995 marked the biggest reform of international trade since the Second World War. 1995年1月1日世貿(mào)組織的誕生,標志著第二次世界大戰(zhàn)之后國際貿(mào)易的最大改革。
78. I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and I love today. -W.A.White
我并不害怕明天, 因為我已見過昨天而又熱愛今天。 ── 懷特 (美國記者)
79. He invested his money in several different companies, by which means he hoped to reduce the natural hazards of investment. 他把自己的錢向幾個不同的公司投資, 希望借此減少投資的自然風險。
80. With the rise of the Internet, personal finance magazines and TV shows find information on investing. 隨著因特網(wǎng)、個人理財雜志和專事選股的電視節(jié)目的興起,人們很容易找到有關投資的信息。
81. Nothing is more precious than time yet nothing is less valued. 時間最寶貴,卻最不被愛惜。
82. If indeed silence is golden, it is also becoming as rare as gold. 如果寧靜真是貴重如金的話,那它也在變得像金子一樣稀罕了。
83. Man is not creature of circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of man. 人不是環(huán)境所造就的,乃是環(huán)境由人所創(chuàng)造。
84. Pollution is a global problem which needs a global response. 污染是一個全球性的問題,需要全球關注。
85. Greenhouse effect means the gradual warming of the air surrounding the earth. 溫室效應意味著地球周圍的空氣逐漸變暖。
86. Air is to us what water is to fish. 我們離不開空氣, 就像魚離不開水。
87. As our country is populous, it is confronted with a more and more serious crisis of resources. 我國由于人口眾多,面臨著越來越嚴重的資源危機。
88. The government has to provide against a possible oil shortage in the coming months. 政府不得不預防未來幾個月里可能出現(xiàn)的石油短缺。
89. Why do Americans emphasize money so much? Well, this “land of plenty” has long enjoyed abundant natural resources, and people have gotten used to material wealth. 為什么美國人這么看重金錢呢? 這么說吧, 這塊“豐饒之地”久已享有充裕的自然資源, 而人們已習慣于豐富的物質(zhì)財富。
90. A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over. -Benjamin Franklin 失足可以很快彌補, 失言卻可能永遠無法補救。 ── 富蘭克林 (美國政治家)
91. The earliest Mother’s Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea’, the Mother of the Gods. 慶祝母親節(jié)的習俗最早 可以追溯到古希臘, 當時人們在春天舉行慶祝活動, 來向眾神之母──莉雅女神表示敬意。
92. I am grateful to you for the opportunity to express my conviction in this most important political question. 感謝你們使我有機會就這個最重要的政治問題發(fā)表意見。
93. I am thankful for America and thankful that we are able to resolve our electoral differences in a peaceful way. 我感謝美國, 我們終于用和平的方式解決了選舉中的分歧。
94. Deep down, they realize that happiness can’t be bought, but it can be given away. 在內(nèi)心深處,他們認識到幸福是買不來的, 但卻可以與人分享。
95. It is wrong to define happiness as owning a lot of money, but some people take it as their life philosophy. 把幸福定義為有很多錢是錯誤的,但是有些人卻把它奉為人生哲學。
96. He is rich in terms of money, but not in terms of happiness. 從錢的角度說他是富有的,但從幸福的角度說他不是。
97. All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. —Leo Tolstoy 所有幸福的家庭彼此都很相似,而每個不幸的家庭卻各有各的不幸。 ── 托爾斯泰
98. Unfortunately, there are still some people who do not look after their pets properly or are even cruel to them. 遺憾的是,仍然有一些人對他們的寵物不好好照管甚至虐待它們。
99. She sat up straight and pretended to believe in herself, so much so that she actually started believing in herself. 她坐直了身子, 假裝對自己充滿信心, 裝得連她自己都開始以為自己確實很有信心。
100. It’s not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away, however, they are always on her mind. 和遠方的朋友保持聯(lián)系不是一件容易的事,但是她一直記掛著他們。