I'm happy. (我很高興/幸福。)
I'm thrilled. (我太激動了。)
I'm so happy.我高興極了。
I feel so happy. (我非常高興。)
I'm in heaven. (我好像到了天堂。)
How's your new home? (新家怎么樣?)
I'm happy. (我很幸福。)
I'm ecstatic. (我高興得忘乎所以了。) 希望進一步強調心情非常激動的感覺時。
Yahoo!呀嗬! 表示高興和喜悅的心情時。
Oh,boy!哇!太棒了(好家伙)表示高興、驚喜的同時,也表示稍覺為難的心情。沒有Oh, girl!的說法。
We're going camping next week. (下星期我們去宿營。)
Oh, boy! (哇-!)
Wow! It's great. (哇!太漂亮了!)
Yeah! 表示同意、贊成。比Yes要隨便、粗魯。
School is canceled today. (今天學校放假!)
I lost my keys! (我把鑰匙丟了。)
Oh, boy!哇!/呀!/棒極了! (哦!這下糟了。)
Wow! 表示高興、驚喜、贊嘆?!鞍 ?。
Look at the view! (看那邊的景色!)
Yeah!哈哈!/太棒了! (哇-!)
Whoopee! 孩子用來表示幸福的詞,如果大人使用,聽上去含有諷刺的意味。
We're going to Disneyland! (我們要去迪斯尼樂園了。)
He got the promotion. (他升官了。)
Whoopee. (啊?)
I'm glad to hear it.聽到這消息我很高興。I'm happy you told me./ That's great to hear.
I'm relieved to hear that. (聽了那個消息,我就放心了。)
I'm glad that...謝天謝地……
I'm glad that the exams are over. (謝天謝地考完了。)
I feel like a million dollars. 感覺好極了。
I've never been this happy.我從沒有這么高興過。
That's good news.真是個好消息。
That's good news. (真是個好消息。)That's welcome news!
What fun!那太棒了!/太好了!
Let's go dancing. (我們去跳舞吧。)
What fun! (那太好了!)How fun!
I feel great!舒服極了!
It's a nice day! (今天的天氣真好!)
I feel great! (舒服極了。)
I feel terrific! 進一步強調“舒服”的說法。
I'm in a good mood today. 我今天的心情很好。
The boss is in a good mood. (老板的心情很好。)
I'm in a bad mood today. (我今天心情不好。)
I'm looking forward to this summer.我期待著今年的夏天。
Do you have any plans? (有什么打算嗎?)
I can hardly wait until this summer. (我都等不及到夏天了。) 口語化的說法。
I'm looking forward to seeing you. (我期待著能見到您。)
You look happy today.今天你看上去很高興啊!You seem really happy today.
Yes. I got a raise. (是呀,我漲工資了。)
We're having a baby. (我們有孩子了!)
I'm walking on air. 高興得飄飄欲仙。直譯是“在天上走”,表達仿佛登上了天似的極其高興的心情。
I jumped for joy.我高興得跳了起來。
This is too good to be true. 這簡直不敢讓人相信。(聽到了非常好的消息時。)
This is too good to be true. (這簡直讓人不敢相信。)
It's unbelievable. (這無法讓人相信。)Too good to be true.
Nothing could be more wonderful.沒有比這更讓人高興的了。
Nothing would please me more.
Nothing could be nicer.
You made me happy.你使我感覺到了幸福。
Did you receive my birthday card? (你收到我給你的生日賀卡了嗎?)
Yes, you made me happy. Thank you. (收到了,我太幸福了。謝謝。)
I made it! 成功了!(用來表現(xiàn)自己“成功了!”、“達到某個目標”時。如果向對方說用You did it!。)
Did you pass the exam? (考試通過了嗎?)
I made it! (通過了。)I did it!
You did it!你干得不錯!
I‘ve got a new job! (我找到了一個新工作。)
You did it! (太好了!)Alright!Yeah!
I won the lottery! (我中獎了。)
Lucky! (真走運。)
I lucked out today. 今天的運氣真好。(美國的俚語說法。)
Didn’t that policeman give you a ticket? (那個警察沒給你開違反交規(guī)的罰單嗎?)
No, he didn't. I lucked out today. (沒有,我今天的運氣可真好。)
I was lucky today.
Today's my lucky day.
I feel lucky today.
I'm in luck today.
It's your lucky day.你真走運。
I found .00 on the street. (我在街上揀了10美元。)
It's your lucky day. (你真走運。)
That's fortunate. (真有好運氣。)You got lucky.
Thank heavens!感謝上帝!/謝天謝地。 heaven是所說的“天堂”,即“神和天使住的地方”。直譯為“感謝天堂里的神”。
I struck it rich! (我發(fā)了筆橫財。)這句是從“挖到富礦”派生出來的一種表達方式。struck是strike的過去式。
I was just lucky. 只是運氣好。用just或pure強調“只是運氣好而已”。
We didn't crash. (我們差點撞上。)
Thank heavens! (謝天謝地。)Thank God!Thank goodness!
I hit the jackpot!我中頭彩了! 原意是賭博時贏得很多錢。一般用于“中了頭彩”、“獲得巨大成功”時。
What luck! (太走運了!)