Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates said he'll pick up thetab for all US college graduates to download a copyof Hans Rosling's book, "Factfulness: Ten ReasonsWe're Wrong About the World -- and Why Things AreBetter Than You Think".
The book was released in April, offering advice onhow to think about the world and how personalinstincts can impact our interpretation of information.
It debuted at No 5 on the New York Times Best Seller List for hardcover nonfiction.
"When we have a fact-based worldview we can see that the world is not as bad as it seems -- and we can see what we have to do to keep making it better," Rosling writes in the book.
It is the book Gates thinks every college graduate should read. In a YouTube video posted inApril, Gates called it "one of the most educational books I've ever read."
"It covers a space that isn't easy to go learn about," Gates said. "The world would be a betterplace if literally millions of people read the book."
Last year, Gates recommended Steven Pinker's book "The Better Angels of Our Nature: WhyViolence Has Declined" to graduates, saying it was the "most inspiring" book he's ever read.
Jack Ma
Jack Ma is the founder and executive chairman ofAlibaba Group, a multinational technologyconglomerate from China. As of March 2018, hewas one of China's richest men with a net worth ofUS.4 billion, as well as one of the wealthiestpeople in the world.
Jack Ma turned 18 in 1982 and prepared for the Gaokao. However, he failed twice, and it wasafter his third attempt that Ma was finally able to enroll in a university.
On his first attempt, Jack Ma received only 1 point in math, before taking it again and receiving 19 points in math after a second try. After Jack failed in the exam for the second time, hedecided to find a job. But he was too thin at that time and was denied the chance to evenbecome a restaurant waiter. Ma's father then suggested that he become a deliveryman formagazine publishers.
Ma gave a third shot at the Gaokao. He finally succeeded in passing the exam and was enrolledby the Hangzhou Normal University, where he studied English.
Robin Li
Robin Li is a Chinese Internet entrepreneur and a co-founder of search engine Baidu. He isalso one of the richest people in China, with a net worth of US.5 billion as of October 2017.
The Gaokao for Li was quite easy. His scores were the highest among those of test takers inYangquan City, Shanxi province in 1986.
After spending three months on his college campus, Li decided to switch his major fromLibrary and Information Science to Computer Science and applied for a PhD program. Li thenwent abroad. He met his most important partner - his wife - while studying abroad.
Pony Ma
Pony Ma is the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Tencent. Tencent is Asia's mostvaluable company, one of the largest Internet and technology companies and the biggestinvestment, online games and entertainment conglomerate in the world.
Ma moved with his parents to Shenzhen at the age of 14. It is said that Pony received 739 points in the Gaokao, which was over 100 points above the cutoff line for China's mostcompetitive universities. However, he applied for Shenzhen University to be closer to home.
Ma loved astronomy at a young age but changed his major to computer science duringuniversity, when he realized that studying astronomy offered limited professional options.
Richard Liu
Richard Liu is a Chinese Internet entrepreneur. He is the founder of JD.com or Jingdong Mall, one of the leading e-commerce firms in China. As of January 2018, Liu's net worth had risen toUS.7 billion with JD.com surging in its stock price.
His Gaokao scores were the highest among test takers in Suqian County, Jiangsu province in 1992. He was later enrolled by Renmin University, where he majored in Sociology.
