HONG KONG — Every June, millions of high schoolseniors in China sit down for a grueling universityentrance exam, knowing they may not get into a topschool or any school at all. If their results aredisappointing, finding another route to universitycan take a year or more.
Now they may have a faster option.
The University of New Hampshire says it will start accepting scores from the Chinese exam, making it the first flagship state school in the United States to evaluate Chinese applicantsusing the results from that test, known as the gaokao.
新罕布什爾大學(University of New Hampshire)表示,它將開始接受中國考試的成績。這使該校成為了美國首個以高考結(jié)果來評估中國申請者的州立旗艦大學。
There are 377,000 Chinese students in the United States, representing more than one-third ofall international students, according to the federal government. Since they often pay full tuition, they are an important source of revenue for American universities, which have beenintensifying their efforts to recruit Chinese students.
Erika Mantz, spokeswoman for the University of New Hampshire, said the gaokao program wasmeant to attract “outstanding Chinese high school graduates” after they get their test resultsin late June, months after the deadline has passed under the regular admissions process. Mostincoming freshmen would have been admitted by the time Chinese students take the gaokaotest.
新罕布什爾大學發(fā)言人埃麗卡·曼茨(Erika Mantz)表示,高考項目旨在吸引“優(yōu)秀的中國高中畢業(yè)生”,他們會在六月底拿到高考成績,這個時間超過了常規(guī)招生過程最后截止日期好幾個月。大多數(shù)即將到來的大一新生會在中國學生高考的時候被錄取。
The university — which had 781 international students last fall, almost half of them from China— has introduced a recruiting website in Chinese and English. Before the program for gaokaostudents was created, applicants who took the test would have to wait for a new applicationcycle to start in the fall. The new program allows them to start one semester earlier.
The gaokao, which generally lasts about nine hours over two days, determines the fates ofalmost 10 million students, less than 1 percent of whom gain admission to China’s topuniversities. Students spend years preparing for it.
While the Chinese education system has been praised for its rigor — a Stanford study foundthat freshmen at Chinese universities outpaced their American and Russian peers by two orthree years in critical thinking skills — critics say the gaokao incentivizes memorization overcreativity. There have also been cheating scandals in recent years.
About 3 percent of Chinese students bypass the gaokao by paying to attend private “international track” programs that prepare them for standardized testing abroad. But theirclassmates planning to take the gaokao have little time for anything other than intensecramming in the years leading up to this rite of passage.
That single-minded focus isolates students from educational opportunities outside China, saidAndrew Chen, the chief learning officer of the WholeRen Group, an education consulting firmbased in Pittsburgh. It is rare for students to apply to programs abroad while also preparing forthe Chinese exam, which takes place months after the deadline for most American universities.
Students unhappy with their gaokao results can wait a year to retake the test, as almost 1.5 million did last year, or take a gap year to prepare for the next cycle of American admissions. The University of New Hampshire program would take a bit of agony out of the wait, with anOct. 1 deadline to apply for admission in January 2019.
“From the student’s perspective, it opens a door,” Mr. Chen said in a phone interview.
Like other out-of-state students, students admitted to the University of New Hampshire throughthe gaokao program would have to pay over ,000 a year in tuition and housing costs.
The University of New Hampshire joins dozens of European, Australian and Canadianuniversities, as well as a handful of private American institutions, that have been screeningcandidates using cutoff gaokao scores. The university reviews how students perform on thegaokao, and on an assessment of their English language skills, before determining whetherthey can move forward with the application process.
Ms. Mantz, the spokeswoman, said that although admissions criteria were still being finalized, students considered for the University of New Hampshire would most likely have to take theSAT or the ACT, a similar test, after their scores on the gaokao were vetted.
But admitted students would still set foot on campus earlier than they would have otherwise.
“This streamlined process quickly gives feedback to students who need additional Englishprep, so that they can start on that path right away,” Ms. Mantz wrote in an email.
A similar program at the University of San Francisco allows Chinese students to bypass U.S. standardized testing altogether. A Jesuit institution with about 6,800 undergraduate students, the university has an early admissions program that allows June test takers to enroll as early asthe fall semester, based solely on their gaokao score, grades and a one-on-one interview inEnglish. Last spring, more than half of the school’s 1,600 international students were fromChina.
大約有6800位本科生的耶穌會大學——舊金山大學(University of San Francisco)有一個類似項目,允許中國學生繞過美國的標準化測試。該校有一個預錄取項目,讓六月參加高考的考生憑其高考分數(shù)、評分等級和一對一英文面試,最快能秋季入學。去年春季,該校的1600名國際學生有超過半數(shù)來自中國。
On the program website, Paul J. Fitzgerald, the school’s president, said that although he wasaware of criticism of the gaokao, it had the “advantage” of evaluating “whether students areable to master a given body of knowledge, as well as their ability to work hard andconsistently.”
在該項目課程的網(wǎng)站上,校長保羅·J·菲茲杰拉德(Paul J. Fitzgerald)表示,盡管他意識到了對高考的批評,但它“有優(yōu)勢”評價“學生是否熟練掌握一個特定知識體系,以及他們是否具備刻苦學習并堅持到底的品質(zhì)”。
Mr. Fitzgerald noted that the SAT, which serves as a basis for admission at most four-yearcolleges and universities in the United States, is also an imperfect predictor of college success.
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