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      時(shí)間: 焯杰674 分享


        洛威爾詩歌欣賞:The Paper Windmill

        The little boy pressed his face against the window-pane

        and looked out

        at the bright sunshiny morning. The cobble-stones of

        the square

        glistened like mica. In the trees, a breeze danced and


        and shook drops of sunlight like falling golden coins into the brown


        of the canal. Down stream slowly drifted a long string

        of galliots

        piled with crimson cheeses. The little boy thought they

        looked as if

        they were roc's eggs, blocks of big ruby eggs. He said,

        "Oh!" with delight,

        and pressed against the window with all his might.

        The golden cock on the top of the `Stadhuis' gleamed. His

        beak was open

        like a pair of scissors and a narrow piece of blue sky was wedged

        in it.

        "Cock-a-doodle-do," cried the little boy. "Can't you

        hear me

        through the window, Gold Cocky? Cock-a-doodle-do! You

        should crow

        when you see the eggs of your cousin, the great roc." But

        the golden cock

        stood stock still, with his fine tail blowing in the wind.

        He could not understand the little boy, for he said "Cocorico"

        when he said anything. But he was hung in the air to

        swing, not to sing.

        His eyes glittered to the bright West wind, and the crimson cheeses

        drifted away down the canal.

        It was very dull there in the big room. Outside in the

        square, the wind

        was playing tag with some fallen leaves. A man passed,

        with a dogcart

        beside him full of smart, new milkcans. They rattled

        out a gay tune:

        "Tiddity-tum-ti-ti. Have some milk for your tea. Cream

        for your coffee

        to drink to-night, thick, and smooth, and sweet, and white,"

        and the man's sabots beat an accompaniment: "Plop! trop!

        milk for your tea.

        Plop! trop! drink it to-night." It was very pleasant

        out there,

        but it was lonely here in the big room. The little boy

        gulped at a tear.

        洛威爾詩歌欣賞:A Tale for an Autumn Evening

        It was a gusty night,

        With the wind booming, and swooping,

        Looping round corners,

        Sliding over the cobble-stones,

        Whipping and veering,

        And careering over the roofs

        Like a thousand clattering horses.

        Mr. Spruggins had been dining in the city,

        Mr. Spruggins was none too steady in his gait,

        And the wind played ball with Mr. Spruggins

        And laughed as it whistled past him.

        It rolled him along the street,

        With his little feet pit-a-patting on the flags of the sidewalk,

        And his muffler and his coat-tails blown straight out behind him.

        It bumped him against area railings,

        And chuckled in his ear when he said "Ouch!"

        Sometimes it lifted him clear off his little patting feet

        And bore him in triumph over three grey flagstones and a quarter.

        The moon dodged in and out of clouds, winking.

        It was all very unpleasant for Mr. Spruggins,

        And when the wind flung him hard against his own front door

        It was a relief,

        Although the breath was quite knocked out of him.

        The gas-lamp in front of the house flared up,

        And the keyhole was as big as a barn door;

        The gas-lamp flickered away to a sputtering blue star,

        And the keyhole went out with it.

        Such a stabbing, and jabbing,

        And sticking, and picking,

        And poking, and pushing, and prying

        With that key;

        And there is no denying that Mr. Spruggins rapped out an oath or


        Rub-a-dub-dubbing them out to a real snare-drum roll.

        But the door opened at last,

        And Mr. Spruggins blew through it into his own hall

        And slammed the door to so hard

        That the knocker banged five times before it stopped.

        Mr. Spruggins struck a light and lit a candle,

        And all the time the moon winked at him through the window.

        "Why couldn't you find the keyhole, Spruggins?"

        Taunted the wind.

        "I can find the keyhole."

        And the wind, thin as a wire,

        Darted in and seized the candle flame

        And knocked it over to one side

        And pummelled it down -- down -- down --!

        But Mr. Spruggins held the candle so close that it singed his chin,

        And ran and stumbled up the stairs in a surprisingly agile manner,

        For the wind through the keyhole kept saying, "Spruggins! Spruggins!"

        behind him.

        The fire in his bedroom burned brightly.

        The room with its crimson bed and window curtains

        Was as red and glowing as a carbuncle.

        It was still and warm.

        There was no wind here, for the windows were fastened;

        And no moon,

        For the curtains were drawn.

        The candle flame stood up like a pointed pear

        In a wide brass dish.

        Mr. Spruggins sighed with content;

        He was safe at home.

        The fire glowed -- red and yellow roses

        In the black basket of the grate --

        And the bed with its crimson hangings

        Seemed a great peony,

        Wide open and placid.

        Mr. Spruggins slipped off his top-coat and his muffler.

        He slipped off his bottle-green coat

        And his flowered waistcoat.

        He put on a flannel dressing-gown,

        And tied a peaked night-cap under his chin.

        He wound his large gold watch

        And placed it under his pillow.

        Then he tiptoed over to the window and pulled back the curtain.

        There was the moon dodging in and out of the clouds;

        But behind him was his quiet candle.

        There was the wind whisking along the street.

        The window rattled, but it was fastened.

        Did the wind say, "Spruggins"?

        All Mr. Spruggins heard was "S-s-s-s-s --"

        Dying away down the street.

        He dropped the curtain and got into bed.

        Martha had been in the last thing with the warming-pan;

        The bed was warm,

        And Mr. Spruggins sank into feathers,

        With the familiar ticking of his watch just under his head.

        Mr. Spruggins dozed.

        He had forgotten to put out the candle,

        But it did not make much difference as the fire was so bright .

        Too bright!

        The red and yellow roses pricked his eyelids,

        They scorched him back to consciousness.

        He tried to shift his position;

        He could not move.

        Something weighed him down,

        He could not breathe.

        He was gasping,

        Pinned down and suffocating.

        He opened his eyes.

        The curtains of the window were flung back,

        The fire and the candle were out,

        And the room was filled with green moonlight.

        And pressed against the window-pane

        Was a wide, round face,

        Winking -- winking --

        Solemnly dropping one eyelid after the other.

        Tick -- tock -- went the watch under his pillow,

        Wink -- wink -- went the face at the window.

        It was not the fire roses which had pricked him,

        It was the winking eyes.

        Mr. Spruggins tried to bounce up;

        He could not, because --

        His heart flapped up into his mouth

        And fell back dead.

        On his chest was a fat pink pig,

        On the pig a blackamoor

        With a ten pound weight for a cap.

        His mustachios kept curling up and down like angry snakes,

        And his eyes rolled round and round,

        With the pupils coming into sight, and disappearing,

        And appearing again on the other side.

        The holsters at his saddle-bow were two port bottles,

        And a curved table-knife hung at his belt for a scimitar,

        While a fork and a keg of spirits were strapped to the saddle behind.

        He dug his spurs into the pig,

        Which trampled and snorted,

        And stamped its cloven feet deeper into Mr. Spruggins.

        Then the green light on the floor began to undulate.

        It heaved and hollowed,

        It rose like a tide,


        Full of claws and scales

        And wriggles.

        The air above his bed began to move;

        It weighed over him

        In a mass of draggled feathers.

        Not one lifted to stir the air.

        They drooped and dripped

        With a smell of port wine and brandy,

        Closing down, slowly,

        Trickling drops on the bed-quilt.

        Suddenly the window fell in with a great scatter of glass,

        And the moon burst into the room,

        Sizzling -- "S-s-s-s-s -- Spruggins! Spruggins!"

        It rolled toward him,

        A green ball of flame,

        With two eyes in the center,

        A red eye and a yellow eye,

        Dropping their lids slowly,

        One after the other.

        Mr. Spruggins tried to scream,

        But the blackamoor

        Leapt off his pig

        With a cry,

        Drew his scimitar,

        And plunged it into Mr. Spruggins's mouth.

        Mr. Spruggins got up in the cold dawn

        And remade the fire.

        Then he crept back to bed

        By the light which seeped in under the window curtains,

        And lay there, shivering,

        While the bells of St. George the Martyr chimed the quarter after

