The woman had been away for two days visiting a sick friend in another city. When she returned,her little boy greeted her by saying, "Mommy, guess what! Yesterday I was playing in the closet in your bedroom and Daddy came into the room with the lady next door and they got undressed and got into your bed and them…”
Sonny’s mother held up her hand. "Not another word. Wait till your father comes home and then I want you to tell him exactly what you’ve just told me. " The father came home. As he walked into the house,his wife said,"I' m leaving you. I' m packing now and I' m leaving you.”
"But why--"asked the startled father.
"Go ahead,Sonny. Tell Daddy just what you told me.”
"Well,”Sonny said,"I was playing in your bedroom closet and Daddy came upstairs with the lady next door and they got undressed and got into bed and then they did just what you did with Uncle John when Daddy was away last summer.”
One night, a man comes home slightly drunk and his wife ( who is suspecting he’s cheating on her) questions his whereabouts…
Wife: "Where were you?"
Man: "I was at this new bar called the Golden Bar. Everything is golden.”
Wife: "Sure you were. There' s no such place”
妻子:“你真去了嗎? 根本沒有這種地方!”
Man: "There is! They have huge golden doors, a golden floors, and even golden urinals !”
Wife: "Oh, I BELEIVE you 100%.”
So, the next day the wife looks through the phone book for this golden bar. She’s surprised when she finds a Golden Bar located across town. She decides to call up and check this out for herself…
Wife: "Is this the Golden Bar?"
Bartender: "Yes it is.”
Wife: "Do you have huge golden doors? "
Bartender: "Yes we do…”
Wife: "Do you have golden floors?"
Bartender; "We have them, too…”
Wife: "What about golden urinals?"
Bartender( speaking away from phone):"Hey Max,I think we have a lead on the guy that fouled your alto-sax.”
A blonde who had been unemployed for several months got a job with Public Works. She was to paint lines down the center of a rural road. The supervisor told her that she was on probation and that she must stay at or above the set average of 2 miles per day to remain employed. The blonde agreed to the conditions and started right away.
The supervisor checked up at the end of the day and found that she had completed four miles on her first day, double the average! "Great ,”he told her, "I think you are really going to work out.”The next day,however, he was disappointed to find that the blonde only did two miles. The supervisor thought,"She is still above the average. I should not discourage her. I'd better keep silence first.” In the third day, the blonde only did one mile and the boss thought, "I need to talk to her before this gets any worse.”
The boss talked to the new employee and said, "You were doing so great. The first day you did four miles, the second day two miles, but yesterday you only did one mile. Is there a problem? What’s keeping you from meeting the two-mile minimum?" The blonde replied, "Well, each day I keep getting farther and farther away from the paint bucket.”