An army general telephoned to his unit in another place wanting to speak to someone. He said, "Hello!"
There was a soldier, playing like a sergeant or something, at the other end of the line. He didn't recognize the voice of the high general commander in chief. He said, "Hello! Are you okay? Are you all right? What's up, doc? We should go out drinking again sometime. All right?
So the general shouts at the top of his voice, "Do you know who are you talking with? Shut up!"
Suddenly, it was quiet for a long time at the other end of the line. Then he asked, "Who is it? Who's speaking?".
The general said, "I'm the General, Commander in Chief of your unit."
There was a longer pause, greater silence; and the other end said, "Do you recognize who's speaking to you also?"
The general said, "No, who are you?" The soldier said, "Oh, very lucky for me that you didn't! Good bye!"
One American came to Russia to have a look and visit. And there he saw all the secret police, and the people were scared and didn't smile. So the American said, "What's wrong?" He said to his friend, "What's that? You dare not say anything. In America, we can criticize the president and government anytime we want. We are free to criticize them anytime, about anything." So the Russian friend said, "Yeah, here we're also free to criticize the American government and its president any time."
A child aged seven or eight ran hastily to the police station and told a policeman, "Please come quickly! A man is at my house beating up my father. He is dying!" The policemen therefore rushed to the scene with the child. They indeed saw two men fighting with one another. The policeman said, "Which one is your father?"
The child answered, "I also do not know who is my father, that's why they are fighting."
At age of 83, granddad went to hospital for the first time. "What is this?" he asked as he held up the bell cord they had fastened to his pillow.
"That's the bell, Granddad." I replied.
He pulled it several times, then remarked, "I don't hear it ringing."
"Oh, it doesn't ring," I explained. "It turns on a light in the hall for the nurse."
"Well!" he replied indignantly. "If the nurse wants a light on in the hall, she can turn it on herself."