We all make excuses.
But the successful ones are those who can kill the excuses like the miserable maggots they are.
I’m too tired. I don’t have the time. I don’t feel motivated. I’d rather do nothing. I don’t have the money, equipment, space. I can’t because …
We’ve all made the excuses. Here’s how to kill them.
1. See the positive.Excuses are usually made because we don’t feel like doing something — we’re accentuating the negative. Instead, see the fun in something, the joy in it. And maintain a positive attitude, or you’ll never beat the excuses.
2. Take responsibility.Excuses are ways to get out of owning up to something. If we don’t have the time, money, equipment, etc., then it’s not our fault, right? Wrong. Take responsibility, and own the solution.
3. Find a solution.Just about every problem has a solution. Don’t have time? Start with just 5-10 minutes. Make the time. Wake earlier. Do it during lunch. Don’t have a gym membership? Workout at home or in the office. Don’t have the energy? Do it when you have higher levels of energy. You’re smart. Figure out the solution.
4. See your goal.This is your motivation — your reason for doing it. Sure, you could just lay on the couch, but if you think about why you really want to pursue a goal, you’ll be motivated. Visualize that goal and just get started.
5. Be accountable.Have a workout partner, a project partner, a team, someone to report to. If you have to meet a coach or partner, you’re more likely to do something.
6. Go ahead and make your excuses.Then do it anyway.
7. Watch this. Then go an do it.
pink 粉紅色
salmon pink 橙紅色
baby pink 淺粉紅色
shocking pink 鮮粉紅色
brown 褐色, 茶色
beige 灰褐色
chocolate 紅褐色, 赭石色
sandy beige 淺褐色
camel 駝色
amber 琥珀色
khaki 卡其色
maroon 褐紅色
green 綠色
moss green 苔綠色
emerald green 鮮綠色
olive green 橄欖綠
blue 藍色
turquoise blue 土耳其玉色
cobalt blue 鈷藍色, 艷藍色
navy blue 藏青色, 深藍色, 天藍色
aquamarine blue 藍綠色
red 紅色
scarlet 緋紅, 猩紅
mauve 紫紅
wine red 葡萄酒紅
purple, violet 紫色
lavender 淡紫色
lilac 淺紫色
antique violet 古紫色
pansy 紫羅蘭色
white 白色
off-white 灰白色
ivory 象牙色
snowy white 雪白色
oyster white 乳白色
gray 灰色
charcoal gray 炭灰色
smoky gray 煙灰色
misty gray 霧灰色