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      閱 讀

      1. Parental Care by Frogs重復2016.11.13, 2017.10.29, 2018.06.30

      文章主要講了 10%的青蛙有常見 4 種 parental care 的方式(其中最常見的是 attend eggs), 以及這些如何能夠幫助提高幼蛙的 survivorship。有時也會使 parents 更容易被捕食者吃掉。

      2. The Arrival of Humans in the Americas重復2016.03.19, 2017.11.26, 2018.09.16

      主要講以前生活在 Asia(現(xiàn)在是 Alaska)的人怎么到達北美的,最開始認為是通過 Beringia。提出了 3 個理論,前兩個是講有 2 great ice sheets, 一個是 Cordilleran, 另一個是 Lauratide ; 第三個理論是coastal routine。前 2 個都是會形成 ice free corridor, 便于通行;但是地質證據(jù)顯示那時的整體條件(冰川融化等)會難通過。最后一個理論比較靠譜。

      3. Accounting for the high density of planet Mercury重復 2018.03.24

      文章關于水星的密度,給了一個剖面圖。主要就是展示水星和其他類地行星的不同,它的 core 是非常大的,總量占到體積的 60%,所以 diameter 也很大。而且它的 mantle 是 static 的,和地球等流動的 mantle 不一樣。上面有不少 iron 和 silicate 的化合物,這些物質在特定條件下會聚合、反應成鐵化合物,然后陷入到 core 當中。水星上也有微弱的磁場,以上種.種,使得它的密度非常大。

      4. 洛杉磯的公路發(fā)展(car suburb area)

      5. Art and Culture of Pacific Northwest Communities美國土著人的圖騰柱與面具制作工藝和它們的圖案的含義。

      6. The Kingdom of Meroe新題



      Art and Culture of Pacific Northwest Communities重復2012.07.22, 2013.01.27, 2015.03.07


      Autonomous = independent

      Obligated = required

      Accounting for the High Density of Planet Mercury重復 2018.03.24

      Generation = production

      Acceleration = speeding

      up Predominantly = mostly

      Particularly = especially

      Parental Care by Frogs重復2016.11.13, 2017.10.29, 2018.06.30

      Potential = possible

      Harsh = severe

      Appreciably = significantly

      The Arrival of Humans in the Americas重復2016.03.19, 2017.11.26, 2018.09.16

      Ardent = enthusiastic

      Backing up = supporting

      Distinctive = characteristic Scanty = few

      The Kingdom of Meroe (首考新題)

      Intensive = extreme

      Exploit = make use of Adopt = take to use Proximity = nearness

      聽 力

      1. 學生咨詢一個在日本的實習,因為這個內容對她找工作和職業(yè)發(fā)展有幫助。老師問了她的專業(yè),建議她要去學 sociology,因為可以研究人們從不同國家工作和學習的情況。同時告訴學生這個實習沒有academic credit,所以她要上一個 intensive course, 學生覺得內容有點多但也同意了。

      2. 學生 creative writing 上節(jié)課沒有來,老師已經(jīng)分下去一個 writing 的任務,他和另外一個沒來的學生一組。要寫一個 story of letters. 他以前讀的 Henry Adam 的書,教授說這種形式不行。接著他說想寫一個 email 為主體的故事,教授說他以前讀過類似的,但是要特別注意不要寫成只是詞語的往復。教授舉了一個 message on fridge 的例子,是一對母女用這樣的方式交流,它有力地 express 了自己的內容。

      3.prof建議女生參加一個photograph contest,她之前拍的教授很喜歡。

      4. 男生想購買shuttle card,問這個卡的申請方法


      1. 老師介紹了一種和 Tyrannosaurus 同時期的恐龍(HP),和它們同期還有兩種其他恐龍,暴龍以它們?yōu)槭场5?HP 長得很大行動慢,而且還沒有保護自己的角或者刺。所以 HP 有兩種方法 survive, 第一生長速度比暴龍快,所以它的體積更大,暴龍不敢攻擊比自身大太多的恐龍;第二,繁殖maturity 更早,所以它能更早繁殖,從而生存下來。而另外兩種同期恐龍沒有這樣的adaptation。

      2. 以前的 tragedy 都講的是王公貴族,而他的小說第一個寫了普通人的悲劇。在小說里他特別提到了hardworking 這個品質,因為當時資產(chǎn)階級開始產(chǎn)生,宣揚人們要努力工作。同時他的小說也抒發(fā)了真實 emotion,特別是 crying,甚至在舞臺上表演 crying,特別能夠引起觀眾的共鳴。

      3. 科學家發(fā)現(xiàn)了object permanent,即就算沒有看見物體也知道它的存在??茖W家在小嬰兒身上做了實驗,發(fā)現(xiàn)科學家把嬰兒之前能看到的物體用毯子蓋住然后拿走,嬰兒會對沒有物體的地方盯得更久, 這個“盯得更久”能夠反映大腦的活動。同時它們做了helper-hinder 的實驗,圓形往坡上滾,方形幫助,三角形阻礙,嬰兒盯著方形更久,說明他們能夠分清good和mean。之后又做了一個實驗, 用了helper-hinder 的木偶,大多數(shù)得嬰兒要抓住 helper 的木偶,證實了前面的觀點。嬰兒對好壞有一個 basic 的認識。

      4. 科學家一直找尋太空生物的證據(jù),關鍵液態(tài)水的存在。發(fā)現(xiàn)有的星球都是rocky desert,所以太冷水都凍住;有的太熱,水則蒸發(fā)。還有的星球因為重力不足,雖然溫度夠了有水但是不能留在表面。

      另外一種情況是自轉速度太慢,導致一面長時間無日照而另一面長時間有日照,都不符合生物的跡象。后面又提到red dwarf star 。

      5. 第一次migration是否成功,evidence證明,有人質疑,教授也不相信。

      6. 動物叫聲的含義,monkey的叫聲,狗的叫聲,3 個不同叫聲。還有一個實驗,提到了控制變量法。

      7. 為什么mercury被探測的很晚。講了 2 種探測儀器:第二個比第一個好。

      8. photography 的歷史,一開始它不被接受。描述了一幅畫combine了photograph和painting.

      9. 討論美國政府的管理體系,聯(lián)邦政府和state政府同時管理,導致處理時間長等,還與其他擁有相似體系的國家做了對比。

      10. 藝術的影響,講了中國的漆器有兩種,一種是雕刻的,一種在上面涂顏料還是金粉什么的裝飾品,然后傳到日本,日本人用金銀弄得特別好看。

      11. 講science history,講化學對藝術有一定的影響,講了一個陶器的制作,銅器,還有一個埃及的什么的,還有一個玻璃器。

      12. 工業(yè)設計,討論了textile。

      13. 生物學,說了三個細胞的名字以及它們的作用的。

      口 語

      Task 1

      There are some school fund raising events as follow, which one would you like to attend?

      · Training in sport teams

      · Work behind a popular TV show

      · Working for national government office Please include details and examples in your response

      Task 2

      Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Being polite is more important thanbeing truthful. Explain why.

      Task 3

      More orchestra concerts

      原因 1:No enough seats and tickets

      原因 2:Musicians will have more opportunities to rehearse and expose themselves to audiences。


      原 因 1:Rehearsals take time, especially for those complex materials, sometimes musicians have to practice solo besides the whole piece of work.

      原 因 2:The old concert hall is now reconstructing, so the concert is arranged at auditorium temporarily. After the reservation there will be enough space for a large number of audiences.


      Product placement

      定 義 :It is an advertising strategy that instead of doing ads directly, companies find a positive character in entertaining program like movies or TV shows to use their products and make it desirable.


      例子:A shoes company found a movie at planning stage which tells a story about the difficulties that a basketball team has been through to win a champion. And they invested thismovie in exchange the star player would wear their sneakers with obvious brand name on it.The movie ended up popular later and they sold numerous sneakers.


      The man has a problem that he has to attend a psychology conference in another city but it is too lateto apply for school funding.

      解決方案 1:Attend the conference

      優(yōu)點 1:He could do the presentation there, talk to professors and get some useful tips forfuture job.

      缺點 1:Even though he could stay at his friend’s house, the plane ticket is expensive enough.

      解決方案 2:Don’t attend

      優(yōu)點 2:He could do the presentation in video and save the expense to travel to Mexico

      缺點 2:He couldn’t talk to professors


      How flightless birds could use their wings

      要 點 1:For swimming

      例 子 1: Penguins spend most of their time in water, and their wings evolve to be flat, thin and wide, which is much helpful for them to swim and forage for food.

      要點 2:Keep balance

      例子 2:Flightless birds like ostriches would have to run fast when predators come after them.

      And they could spread out their wings to run steady, prevent falling down to be an easy mealfor predators.

      寫 作



      Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

      For success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing condition orcircumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study.

      Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.





      1. 樹葉為何變顏色

      2. 瑞典諾貝爾文學評委會

      3. 民眾抗命 Civil Disobedience

      4. 隕石坑 Craters

      5. 英法戰(zhàn)爭

      6. 車票打孔與計算機雛形

      7. 地衣 LICHEN

      8. 路易斯安娜洲購買后的皮毛買賣

      9. 同步通訊衛(wèi)星

      10. 聊天對于南方女作家的社會影響

      11. 睡眠

      12. 人物(女)Amelia 和Muriel的男性化成長

      13. 塑料

      14. 芝加哥

      15. 人物(男)雕塑家Frederic Remington

      16. 動物身上為何不生出輪子

      17. 樹的生存方式

      18. 摩天大樓—美國的特征

      19. 加洲北水南調工程

      20. 蜜蜂意識測試

      21. Navajo人的起源

      22. 為美國護士教育的抗爭

      23. 人物(女)建筑師Julia Morgan

      24. 沼澤中的動物

      25. 供求與市場價格

      26. 增重的可能因素

      27. 單間教室的好處

      28. 小麥與人類文明

      29. 鐵路電報的發(fā)展

      30. 美國殖民期間的建筑風格與材料

      31. 衛(wèi)星的內外結構和動力

      32. 玩耍的起源和意義

      33. 1800’s 毯子的風格

      34. Anasazi印第安人

      35. 大氣中的水

      36. 一戰(zhàn)對美國的影響

      37. 蜂的社會結構

      38. 第五大街291號畫廊和畫家(女)Georgia O’Keeffe的抽象風格

      39. 美洲鱷魚交配后

      40. 人物(女)攝影家Barbara Kasten 的技法

      41. 國家冰河公園周圍的土地保護

      42. 乳化過程 EMUSIFY

      43. 美國獨立史

      44. 人物(女)作家Carson Mccullers

      45. 作物水噴灑計

      46. 價格體系的解釋

      47. 干酪阻礙牙齒損壞

      48. 偏見

      49. 星的亮度

      50. 回聲

      51. 華盛頓DC的建立

      52. 鶯科鳴禽對樹上食物的劃分

      53. 嬰兒的大腦成熟和感情發(fā)育

      54. 人物(女)作家Ellen Glasgow筆下的南方復興

      55. 牛仔的服裝和用具

      56. 食物網(wǎng)

      57. 社會功能良性運轉中的一個時間量度

      58. 地球板塊

      59. 神跡劇Oratorio

      60. 購買Louisiana

      61. 聽力測試法

      62. 動物: 瀨魚Wrasse

      63. 紐約作為商業(yè)中心的興起

      64. 民謠的形式

      65. 鋁

      66. 植樹節(jié)Arbor Day

      67. 牛胃

      68. 作家Sinclair Lewis的作品main Street

      69. 植物的根

      70. 科學家對自然現(xiàn)象解釋的不同方法(病理學Pathological和生理學Physiology)


      The term art deco has come to encompass three distinct but related design trends of the 1920's and 1930's. The first was what is frequently referred to as zigzag moderne — the exotically ornamental style of such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building in New York City and related structures such as the Paramount Theater in Oakland, California. The word zigzag alludes to the geometric and stylized ornamentation of zigzags, angular patterns, abstracted plant and animal motifs, sunbursts, astrological imagery, formalized fountains, and related themes that were applied in mosaic relief, and mural form to the exterior and interior of the buildings. Many of these buildings were shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-like effect. The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930's streamlined moderne style — a Futuristic-looking aerodynamic style of rounded corners and horizontal bands known as speed stripes. In architecture, these elements were frequently accompanied by round windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.

      The third style, referred to as either international stripped classicism, or simply classical moderne, also came to the forefront during the Depression, a period of severe economic difficult in the 1930's. This was a more conservative style, blending a simplified modernistic style with a more austere form of geometric and stylized relief sculpture and other ornament, including interior murals. Many buildings in this style were erected nationwide through government programs during the Depression.

      Although art deco in its many forms was largely perceived as thoroughly modern, it was strongly influenced by the decorative arts movements that immediately preceded it. For example, like art nouveau (1890-1910), art deco also used plant motifs, but regularized the forms into abstracted repetitive patterns rather than presenting them as flowing, asymmetrical foliage, like the Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener Werkstatte, art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully ornate patterns. Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England and the United States, art deco practitioners considered it their mission to transform the domestic environment through well-designed furniture and household accessories.

      1. What aspect of art deco does the passage mainly discuss?

      (A) The influence of art deco on the design of furniture and household accessories

      (B) Ways in which government programs encouraged the development of art deco

      (C) Architectural manifestations of art deco during the 1920's and 1930's

      (D) Reasons for the popularity of art deco in New York and California

      2. The word encompass in line 1 is closest in meaning to

      (A) separate

      (B) include

      (C) replace

      (D) enhance

      3. The phrase The first in line 2 refers to

      (A) the term art deco

      (B) design trends

      (C) the 1920's and 1930's

      (D) skyscrapers

      4. In line 9, the author mentions an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower in order to

      (A) describe the exterior shape of certain art deco buildings

      (B) explain the differences between ancient and modern architectural steles

      (C) emphasize the extent of architectural advances

      (D) argue for a return to more traditional architectural design

      5. The streamlined moderne style is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

      (A) animal motifs

      (B) flat roofs

      (C) round windows

      (D) speed stripes

      6. The phrase came to the forefront in line 16 is closest in meaning to

      (A) grew in complexity

      (B) went through a process

      (C) changed its approach

      (D) became important

      7. According to the passage , which of the following statements most accurately describes the

      relationship between art deco and art nouveau?

      (A) They were art forms that competed with each other for government support during the

      Depression era.

      (B) They were essentially the same art form.

      (C) Art nouveau preceded art deco and influenced it.

      (D) Art deco became important in the United States while art nouveau became popular in


      8. According to the passage , a building having an especially ornate appearance would most

      probably have been designed in the style of

      (A) zigzag moderne

      (B) streamlined moderne

      (C) classical moderne

      (D) the Arts and Crafts Movement

      9. According to the passage , which of the following design trends is known by more than one


      (A) Zigzag moderne

      (B) Streamlined moderne

      (C) International stripped classicism

      (D) Arts and Crafts Movement

      10. The passage is primarily developed as

      (A) the historical chronology of a movement

      (B) a description of specific buildings that became famous for their unusual beauty

      (C) an analysis of various trends within an artistic movement

      (D) an argument of the advantages of one artistic form over another



      There are only a few clues in the rock record about climate in the Proterozoic eon. Much of our information about climate in the more recent periods of geologic history comes from the fossil record, because we have a reasonably good understanding of the types of environment in which many fossil organisms flourished. The scarce fossils of the Proterozoic, mostly single-celled bacteria, provide little evidence in this regard. However, the rocks themselves do include the earliest evidence for glaciation, probably a global ice age.

      The inference that some types of sedimentary rocks are the result of glacial activity is based on the principle of uniformitarianism, which posits that natural processes now at work on and within the Earth operated in the same manner in the distant past. The deposits associated with present-day glaciers have been well studied, and some of their characteristics are quite distinctive. In 2.3-billion-year-old rocks in Canada near Lake Huron (dating from the early part of the Proterozoic age), there are thin laminae of fine-grained sediments that resemble varves, the annual layers of sediment deposited in glacial lakes. Typically, present-day varves show two-layered annual cycle, one layer corresponding to the rapid ice melting and sediment transport of the summer season, and the other, finer-grained, layer corresponding to slower winter deposition. Although it is not easy to discern such details in the Proterozoic examples, they are almost certainly glacial varves. These fine-grained, layered sediments even contain occasional large pebbles or dropstones, a characteristic feature of glacial environments where coarse material is sometimes carried on floating ice and dropped far from its source, into otherwise very fine grained sediment. Glacial sediments of about the same age as those in Canada have been found in other parts of North America and in Africa, India, and Europe. This indicates that the glaciation was global, and that for a period of time in the early Proterozoic the Earth was gripped in an ice age.

      Following the early Proterozoic glaciation, however, the climate appears to have been fairly benign for a very long time. There is no evidence for glaciation for the next 1.5 billion years or so. Then, suddenly, the rock record indicates a series of glacial episodes between about 850 and 600 million year ago, near the end of the Proterozoic eon.

      1. Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss?

      (A) How patterns in rock layers have been used to construct theories about the climate of the

      Proterozoic age

      (B) What some rare fossils indicate about glacial conditions during the late Proterozoic age

      (C) The varying characteristics of Proterozoic glacial varves in different parts of the world

      (D) The number of glacial episodes that the Earth has experienced since the Proterozoic age

      2. According to the passage , the fossil record of the Proterozoic eon is

      (A) highly regarded because it preserves the remains of many kinds of organisms

      (B) less informative than the fossil record of more recent periods

      (C) very difficult to interpret due to damage from bacteria

      (D) more useful to researchers than otheraspects of the rock record

      3. The word scarce in line 4 is closest in meaning to

      (A) ancient

      (B) tiny

      (C) available

      (D) rare

      4. It can be inferred from the passage that the principle of uniformitarianism indicates that

      (A) similar conditions produce similar rock formations

      (B) rock layers in a given region remain undisturbed over time

      (C) different kinds of sedimentary rocks may have similar origins

      (D) each continent has its own distinctive pattern of sediment layers

      5. The word resemble in line 14 is closest in meaning to

      (A) result from

      (B) penetrate

      (C) look like

      (D) replace have similar origins

      6. According to the passage , the layers in varves are primarily formed by

      (A) fossilized bacteria

      (B) pieces of ancient dropstones

      (C) a combination of ancient and recent sediments

      (D) annual cycles of sediment transport and deposition

      7. The phrase the other in line 17 refers to another

      (A) annual cycle

      (B) glacial lake

      (C) layer of sediment

      (D) season

      8. According to the passage , the presence of dropstones indicates that

      (A) the glacial environment has been unusually servere

      (B) the fine-grained sediment has built up very slowly

      (C) there has been a global ice age

      (D) coarse rock material has been carried great distances

      9. Why does the author mention Canada, North America, Africa, India, and Europe in lines 23-24?

      (A) To demonstrate the global spread of dropstones

      (B) To explain the principles of varve formation

      (C) To provide evidence for the theory that there was a global ice age in the early Proterozoic eon

      (D) To illustrate the varied climatic changes of the Proterozoic eon in different parts of the globe

      10. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?

      (A) fossil record (line 3)

      (B) laminae (line 13)

      (C) varves (line14)

      (D) glacial episodes (line 28)




      托福考試題目重復率有多大?托??荚嚺f題對我們的復習有多重要?下面小編就給大家分享一下!托福考題重復率分析!考情回顧全解讀,考題重復率竟如此大閱 讀1. Parental Care by Frogs重復2016.11.13


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