I also made the decision that, I wouldn’t just live any life. I would live the life that I absolutely LOVE and nothing less.
In that moment, the clarity that descended around me was like a light shining in a dark room for the first time. As if the earth’s plates had shifted under my feet and everything suddenly looked real for the first time.
The Blossoms Of My Newly Chosen Life
Since then I have begun to shape the most beautiful life for myself.
I now live in an adorable stone cottage in a stunningly green, luscious region of the UK amongst woodlands and lakes.
I have a deeply harmonious, joyful relationship with my amazing boyfriend, who’s gone through all this with me and we are very happy together.
I write a blog that inspires others to live the life that they love. It is what I know I was born to do and it truly makes my heart sing.
I am making new friends with beautiful souls all around the world.
I practise gratitude for my life every single day and I feel the abundance in everything I have now.
I spend quality time with the rest of my precious family and cherish every moment I have with them.
I have written a bucket list and am already manifesting so much of which I have always dreamed.
I connect with my heart often to ensure that I am always following my joy.
I love myself more deeply every day.
I live authentically now.
Waking Up
It took something powerfully transformative in my life to make me wake up. Wake up to some fundamental truths of life.This life is a gift if you want to accept it. No matter what the obstacle, you can make your life abundant with joy and you can live authentically.
Not a day goes by when I don’t miss my father’s huge character or my beloved sister’s gentle brown eyes, but I know that I will be with them one day for an eternity. What I have now is so precious and so fleeting that I must grasp the joy in every moment I can, and treat it as the gift that it is.
You choose life every day. But do you choose the life that you love every day?