Shanghai Jiao Tong University has launched a trialrun of a driverless minibus on its campus in Xuhuidistrict, China Daily reported last Thursday.
The service, for on-campus commuting, uses aneight-seat vehicle developed jointly by theuniversity's Research Institute of IntelligenceVehicles and a company specializing in automaticdriving systems research and production, thenewspaper said.
Guided by a map stored in the cloud, the bus can pick up passengers and take them to the stopthey select by scanning a QR code.
There are currently four stops on the university's Xuhui campus. While on board, passengerscan use a touch screen or speak to an interactive voice system to change their destination.
A monthlong test run was carried out earlier on the school's Minhang campus.
Since May 2, the three buses have carried more than 1,000 passengers safely at a maximumspeed of 15 km per hour, according to Yang Ming, director of the institute.
"We installed sensors on the bus and used a special positioning and navigation systemdeveloped by the institute that can detect everything happening around the bus and manage itintelligently to avoid collisions," Yang told the newspaper.
"It's unlike driverless vehicles that rely on a real-time satellite positioning system, which can beaffected by the surrounding environment and severe weather. The bus is also equipped witha core sensor that allows it to work properly even on rainy and snowy days, when people needthe vehicle more than in good weather. A recharge of five to six hours can ensure a full day ofoperation."
To ensure safety during the trial run, a security officer on the bus can press a stop button ifneeded, even though he usually doesn't have to do anything, the newspaper reported. Anemergency button is also available on the exterior of the bus.
Seven teams will be sent to all of China's provincesand autonomous regions to evaluate how welleducation authorities are regulating after-schooltraining institutions for primary and secondaryschool students, the Ministry of Education said lastWednesday.
The inspectors, sent by the Ministry of Education, theMinistry of Civil Affairs and the State Administrationfor Market Regulation, will also make random checkson tutoring institutions as well as on primary and middle schools, according to a notice on theeducation ministry's website.
Many tutoring institutions focus on teaching pupils how to perform well in exams, rather thanaiding the wider educational development of the child, according to a statement issued by theministry and three other central government departments at the end of February.
Tutoring institutions are not allowed to organize graded examinations or conduct competitionsfor primary and secondary school students.
In addition, the results of training from these institutions cannot be used as criteria for futureenrollment in primary or middle school.
"Teachers who lure or pressure students to attend after-school training classes will be dealtwith seriously or even stripped of their teaching credentials," said the notice.