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      時(shí)間: 澤燕681 分享


        Agar 瓊脂

        Abrus Herb 雞骨草

        Aconiteleaf Syneilesis Herb 兔兒傘

        Acutangular Anisodus Root 三分三

        Adder's Tongue Herb 一支箭

        African Myrsine Herb 碎米棵

        Agaric 豬苓

        Air-Plant Herb 落地生根

        Airpotato Yam Rhizome 黃藥子

        Aizoon Stonecrop Herb 景天三七

        Akebia Fruit 預(yù)知子

        Akebia Stem 木通

        Aloes 蘆薈

        Alpine Yarrow Herb 蓍草

        Alum 白礬

        Amber 琥珀

        American Ginseng 西洋參

        Amur Adonis Herb 冰涼花

        Amur Ampelopsis Stem 山葡萄

        Amur Barberry Root 大葉小檗

        Amur Corktree Bark 黃柏

        Amur Grape Stem 山藤藤秧

        Ancients Euphorbia Stem 火殃勒

        Anemone Clematis Stem / Armand Clematis Stem 川木通

        Annual Fleabane Herb 一年蓬

        Antelope Horn 羚羊角

        Antifeverile Dichroa Root 常山

        Arabian Jasmine Flower 茉莉花

        Arabic Cowry Shell 紫貝齒

        Areca Peel 大腹皮

        Areca Seed 檳榔

        Argy Wormwood Leaf 艾葉

        Ark Shell 瓦楞子

        Arrowshaped Tinospora Root 金果欖

        Arsenic Sublimate 信石

        Ash Bark 秦皮

        Asiatic Moonseed Rhizome 北豆根

        Asiatic Pennywort Herb 積雪草

        Asiatic Toddalia Root 飛龍掌血

        Auricled Hedyotis Herb 耳草

        Autumn Zephyrlily Herb 肝風(fēng)草

        Avicennia Pricklyash Root 鷹不泊

        Axillary Choerospondias Fruit 廣棗

        Baical Skullcap Root 黃芩

        Balsamiferou Blumea Herb 大風(fēng)艾

        Bamboo Shavings 竹茹

        Barbary Wolfberry Fruit 枸杞子

        Barbed Skullcap Herb 半枝蓮

        Barberry Root 三棵針

        Bat Dung 夜明砂

        Bear Gall 熊膽

        Beautiful Millettia Root 牛大力

        Beautiful Phyllodium Twig and Leaf 排錢草

        Beautiful Sweetgum Fruit 路路通

        Belladonna Herb 顛茄草

        Belvedere Fruit 地膚子

        Benzoin 安息香

        Bezoar 牛黃

        Bigleaf Beautyberry Leaf 大葉紫珠

        Biond Magnolia Flower 辛夷

        Biotite Schist and Mica / Carbonate Schist by Chloritization 青礞石

        Bistort Rhizome 拳參

        Bitter Apricot Seed 苦杏仁

        Bitter Bamboo Leaf 苦竹葉

        Bitter Orange 枳殼

        Bittersweet Herb 白英

        Black Nightshade Herb 龍葵

        Black Sesame 黑芝麻

        Blackberrykiky Rhizome 射干

        Blackend Swallowwort Root 白薇

        Blighted Wheat 浮小麥

        Blister Beetle 斑蝥

        Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed 胖大海

        Boor's Mustard Herb 菥冥

        Borax 硼砂

        Borneol 冰片

        Bottle Brush Herb 問(wèn)荊

        Bottle Gourd Peel 葫蘆

        Brittle Falsepimpernel Herb 母草

        Brooklet Anemone Root 虎掌草

        Broomjutre Sida Herb 黃花母

        Buddha's Lamp Twig and Leaf 玉葉金花

        Buerger Pipewort Flower 谷精草

        Cablin Potchouli Herb 廣藿香

        Cajeputtree Leaf 白千層葉

        Calamine 爐甘石

        Calcite 南寒水石

        Calomel 輕粉

        Camphor 樟腦

        Camphorwood 香樟木

        Canton Ampelopsis Root 無(wú)刺根

        Cape Jasmine Fruit 梔子

        Caper Euphorbia Seed 千金子

        Carbonized Human Hair 血余炭

        Carolina Cranesbill Herb 野老鸛草

        Cassia Bark 肉桂

        Cassia Seed 決明子

        Cassia Twig 桂枝

        Castor Bean 蓖麻子

        Catechu 兒茶

        Cattail Pollen 蒲黃

        Centipede 蜈蚣

        Ceratostigma Root 攀倒甑

        Chalcanthite 膽礬

        Chaulmoogratree Seed 大風(fēng)子

        Cherokee Rose Fruit 金櫻子

        Chervil Larkspur Herb 還亮草

        Chicken's Gizzard-membrane 雞內(nèi)金

        Chinaberry Bark and Root-bark 苦楝皮

        Chinagreen Herb 廣東萬(wàn)年青

        Chinaroot Greenbier Rhizome 菝契

        Chinese Alangium Root 八角楓

        Chinese Angelica 當(dāng)歸

        Chinese Aralia Bark and Root-bark 蔥木

        Chinese Arborvitae Twig 側(cè)柏葉

        Chinese Asafoetida 阿魏

        Chinese Astilbe 落新婦

        Chinese Azalea Flower 鬧羊花

        Chinese Azalea Fruit 八厘麻

        Chinese Bastardtoadflax Herb 白蕊草

        Chinese Box Twig 黃楊木

        Chinese Brake Herb 鳳尾草

        Chinese Buckeye Seed / 娑羅子

        Wilson Buckeye Seed

        Chinese Caterpillar Fungus 冬蟲夏草

        Chinese Cinquefoil Herb 委陵菜

        Chinese Cricket 蟋蟀

        Chinese Date 大棗

        Chinese Dicliptera Herb 狗肝菜

        Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed / 郁李仁

        Dwarf Flowering Cherry Seed / Longstalk Peach Seed

        Chinese Eaglewood 沉香

        Chinese Elder Herb 陸英

        Chinese Elm Bark 榔榆皮

        Chinese Eupatorium Root 廣東土牛膝

        Chinese Fevervine Herb 雞屎藤

        Chinese Fir Wood or twig 杉木

        Chinese Forgetmenot Root 接骨草

        Chinese Gall 五倍子

        Chinese Gentian 龍膽

        Chinese Globeflower Flower 金蓮花

        Chinese Hibisci Rosae-Sinensis Flower 扶桑花

        Chinese Holly Leaf 枸骨葉

        Chinese Honeylocust Abnormal Fruit 豬牙皂

        Chinese Honeylocust Fruit 皂角

        Chinese Honeylocust Spine 皂角刺

        Chinese Incarvilla Herb 角蒿

        Chinese Iris Seed 馬藺子

        Chinese Ivy Stem 常春藤

        Chinese Knotweed Herb 火炭母

        Chinese Ladiestresses Root or Herb 盤龍參

        Chinese Ligusticum Rhizome / Jehol Ligusticum Rhizome 藁本

        Chinese Lizardtail Rhizome or Herb 三白草

        Chinese Lobelia Herb 半邊蓮

        Chinese Loropetalum Herb 繼木

        Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit 五味子

        Chinese Milkwort Herb 大葉金不換

        Chinese Mosla Herb 香薷

        Chinese Osbeckia Herb 金錦香

        Chinese Peashrub Root 錦雞兒

        Chinese Pholidota Herb 石仙桃

        Chinese Photinia Leaf 石南葉

        Chinese Pulsatilla Root 白頭翁

        Chinese Pyrola Herb 鹿銜草

        Chinese Rose Flower 月季花

        Chinese Sage Herb 石見穿

        Chinese Silkvine Root-bark 香加皮

        Chinese Siphonostegia Herb 鈴茵陳

        Chinese Soapberry Fruit 無(wú)患子

        Chinese St. John'swort Root 金絲桃

        Chinese Starjasmine Stem 絡(luò)石藤

        Chinese Stellera Root 瑞香狼毒

        Chinese Tallowtree Root-bark 烏桕

        Chinese Tamarisk Twig 西河柳

        Chinese Taxillus Twig 桑寄生

        Chinese Thorowax Root / 柴胡

        Red Thorowax Root

        Chinese Trumpetcreeper Flower Common TrumpetcreeperFlower 凌霄花

        Chinese Umbrellaleaf Rhizome and Root 窩兒七

        Chinese Usnea 松蘿

        Chinese Waxgourd Peel 冬瓜皮

        Chinese Waxgourd Semen 冬瓜子

        Chinese Waxmyrtle Bark 楊梅

        Chinese Wedelia Herb 澎蜞菊

        Chinese White Olive 青果

        Chinese Wingmut Leaf 楓楊葉

        Chinese Wolfberry Root-bark 低骨皮

        Chingma Abutilon Seed 苘麻子

        Chinse Clinopodium Herb / Manyhead Clinopodium Herb 斷血流

        Cholla Stem 仙人掌

        Chrysanthemum 菊花

        Cicada Slough 蟬蛻

        Ciliatenerve Knotweed Root 朱砂蓮

        Cinchona Bark 金雞納皮

        Cinnabar 朱砂

        Citron Fruit 香櫞

        Clam Shell 蛤殼

        Clematis Root 威靈仙

        Clethra Loosestrife Herb 珍珠菜

        Climbing Fig Fruit 薜荔果

        Climbing Groundsel Herb 千里光

        Clinopodium Herb 剪刀草

        Cluster Mallow Fruit 冬葵子

        Coastal Glehnia Root 北沙參

        Coca Leaf 古柯葉

        Cochinchina Momordica Seed 木鱉子

        Cochinchnese Asparagus Root 天門冬

        Cockscomb Flower 雞冠花

        Coffee Senna Seed 望江南

        Coix Seed 薏苡仁

        Coloed Mistletoe Herb 槲寄生

        Colophony 松香

        Combined Spicebush Root 烏藥

        Common Achyranthes Herb 倒扣草

        Common Adenostema Herb 下田菊

        Common Aeschynomene Herb 田皂角

        Common Alocasia Rhizome 海芋

        Common Alstonia Leaf 燈臺(tái)葉

        Common Andrographis Herb 穿心蓮

        Common Anemarrhena Rhizome 知母

        Common Baphicacanthus Rhizome and Root 馬藍(lán)

        Common Bletilla Pseudobulb 白及

        Common Bluebeard Herb 蘭香草

        Common Bombax Flower 木棉花

        Common Burreed Rhizome 三棱

        Common Camptotheca Fruit 喜樹果

        Common Carpesium Fruit 鶴虱

        Common Cephalanoplos Herb 小薊

        Common Cissampelos Herb 亞乎奴

        Common Clubmoss Herb 伸筋草

        Common Cnidium Fruit 蛇床子

        Common Coltsfoot Flower 款冬花

        Common Crapemyrtle Leaf 紫薇葉

        Common Curculigo Rhizome 仙茅

        Common Dayflower Herb 鴨跖草

        Common Ducksmeat Herb 浮萍

        Common Dysosmatis Rhizome and Root / Sixangular Dysosmatis Rhizome and Root 八角蓮

        Common Fenugreek Seed 葫蘆巴

        Common Fibraurea Stem 黃藤

        Common Floweringquince Fruit 木瓜

        Common Four-o'clock Root 紫茉莉根

        Common Foxglove Leaf 洋地黃葉

        Common Gendarussa Herb 小駁骨

        Common Goldenrod Herb 一只黃花

        Common Heron'sbill Herb 長(zhǎng)嘴老鸛草

        Common Jasminorange Leaf and Twig 九里香

        Common Jointfir Stem 買麻藤

        Common Knotgrass Herb 編蓄

        Common Lantana Leaf 馬纓丹

        Common Leafflower Herb 葉下珠

        Common Lophatherum Herb 淡竹葉

        Common Macrocarpium Fruit 山茱萸

        Common Melastoma Herb 野牡丹

        Common Monkshood Mother Root 川烏

        Common Nandina 天竺子

        Common Russianthistle Herb 豬毛菜

        Common Sage Herb 荔枝草

        Common Scouring Rush Herb 木賊

        Common Selfheal Fruit-Spike 夏枯草

        Common Smoketree Twig and Leaf 黃櫨

        Common Squill Bulb 鮮白頭

        Common St. John'swort Herb 貫葉金絲桃

        Common Threewingnut Root 雷公藤

        Common Vladimiria Root 川木香

        Common wedgelet Fern Leaf 烏韭

        Common Yam Rhizome / Wingde Yan Rhizome 山藥

        Copperleaf Herb 鐵莧菜

        Coral Ardisia Root 朱砂根

        Coralhead Plant Seed 相思子

        Coriander Fruit 芫荽子

        Corn Stigma 玉米須

        Coromadel Coast Falsemallow Herb 黃花棉

        Corymbose Hedyotis Herb 水線草

        Costustoot 木香

        Cottonrose Hibiscus Leaf 木芙蓉葉

        Cowherb Seed 王不留行

        Creeping Dichondra Herb 馬蹄金

        Creeping Rostellularia Herb 爵床

        Creeping Woodsorrel Herb 酢漿草

        Crispateleaf Ardisia Root 百兩金

        Croton Seed 巴豆

        Cudweed Herb 鼠曲草

        Cuneate Lespedeza 鐵掃帚

        Curly Bristlethistle Herb 飛廉

        Cushaw Seed 南瓜子

        Cuttlebone 海螵蛸

        Cyrtomium Rhizome 貫眾

        Dactylicapnos Root 紫金龍

        Daghestan Sweetclover Herb 辟汗草

        Dahurian Angelica Root/Taiwan Angelica Root 白芷

        Dahurian Patrinia Herb / Whiteflower Patrinia Herb 敗醬草

        Dahurian Rhododendron Leaf 滿山紅

        Dahurian Rose Fruit 刺玫

        Danshen Root 丹參

        Dark Plum fruit 烏梅

        Daylily Root / Citron Daylily / Small Yellow Daylily 萱草根

        Decumbent Bugle Herb 筋骨草

        Decumbent Corydalis Tuber 夏天無(wú)

        Dendrobium 石斛

        Densefruit Pittany Root-bark 白鮮皮

        Desertliving Cistanche 肉蓯蓉

        Devilpepper Root /Java Devilpepper Root 蘿芙木

        Devil's Rush Herb 龍須草

        Diels Stephania Root 血散薯

        Digitalis Lanata Leaf 毛花洋地黃葉

        Digua Fig Stem 地石榴

        Discolor Cinquefoil Herb 翻白草

        Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root 防風(fēng)

        Divaricate Strophantus Seed 羊角拗子

        Diverse Wormwood Herb 劉寄奴

        Diversifolious Patrinia Root /Scabrous Patrinia Root 墓頭回

        Dock Root 土大黃

        Doederlein's Spikemoss Herb 石上柏

        Dogbane Leaf 羅布麻葉

        Dog's Testis and Penis 狗腎

        Donkey-hide Glue 阿膠

        DoubleteethPubescentAngilicaRoot/Pubescent Angelica Root 獨(dú)活

        Downy Groundcherry Fruit or Herb 燈籠草

        Downy Rosemyrtle Root 崗稔根

        Dragonhead Herb 全緣葉青蘭

        Dragon's Blood 血竭

        Dragon's Tongue Leaf 龍利葉

        Drgon's Bones , Fossilizid 龍骨
