Smith was the manager of a construction company and was taking bids on a new project. Thefirst bidder was a Polish company, and their representative offered to do the job for $ 400,000. "That seems reasonable," said Smith. "Can you give me a breakdown on that?"
"Sure," said the Pole, " 0, 000 for labor and $ 200,000 for materials. "
Next to make a bid was the Standard American Construction Company, which bid $ 800,000.
"Hmm, that seems a bit high," said Smith. "What's the breakdown?"
" $ 400,000 0n materials, $ 400,000 0n labor. "
"I'll get back to you. "
Finally the representative of Cohen, Goldstein and Leibowitz entered Smith's office. " $ 1,200,000 is our bid," said the agent."
200, 0001 That' s way out of line," exclaimed Smith. "Can you give me a breakdown onthat?"
"No problem," replied the rep. " 0, 000 for me,$ 400 , 000 for you and $ 400,000 for thePolacks.
A foreign visitor touring the great American West came across an Indian with his ear pressed tothe ground.
"What are you listening for?" heasked.
"Stagecoach pass about half hour ago.
"How can you tell?"
"Broke my neck. "
A politician was out on the Indian reservation displaying his sympathy for the oppressedNative Americans. He addressed a gathering of the people.
The plight of your tribe has always been close to my heart," said the politician.
"Umgwalagwala , "responded the audience enthusiastically.
I shan' t rest until greater efforts are made on your behalf.
"Umgwalagwala," they responded more loudly.
"And I personally guarantee that you will all be accorded full and equal civil rights."
"Umgwalagwala," shouted the tribe.
The politician was pleased with his reception and asked for a tour of the reservation. Soon,he and his guide were standing next to a fenced enclosure.
"And what is this used for?" asked the orator.
"oh, this empty now, but before we keep bulls in here. "
"I see," said the visitor, and was planning to enter the enclosure.
"Hey,you better not go in there,You likely step in a lot of umgwalagwala."