They say that first impressions count, but if you’re aman and you want to make a lasting impression ona woman, apparently all you need is a deep, low-pitched voice to rival Barry White。
According to a study from the University ofAberdeen, women are more sensitive towardsdeeper voices in men and will most likely rememberthem over guys with a higher pitched tone。
The study, led by researcher David Smith, observed 45 women who were shown images objectsand were read out the name of the object by someone with a low and high-pitched voice。
When asked to recall the objects and which voice they preferred, the deep drawl came uptrumps, in both memory and attractiveness。
According to the findings, the results show that a woman’s memory is enhanced by a low,manly voice and because women rely heavily on memories, it helps them scan the voice tonesfor genetic superiority when looking for a potential partner。
David Smith said: "Our findings demonstrate that women's memory is enhanced by lowerpitch male voices, compared with the less attractive raised pitch male voices。
"Our experiments indicate for the first time that signals from the opposite sex that areimportant for mate choice also affect accuracy in women's memory."
Is a deep, masculine voice the key to a woman’s heart? “We think this is evidence thatevolution has shaped women's ability to remember information associated with desirablemen,” says Dr. Kevin Allen, a supervisor from the study。